for quite awhile, i had been admiring the super scrappy strawberry blocks and quilts filling my instagram feed, at the hands of sewmaryhappy. finally, enough was enough, and i set out to make my own.
i pulled together all of my pink scraps and got to work. it was so much fun to fussy cut some longtime hoarded bits of fabric. the whole idea is to be a little liberal with the scraps you use. my low volumes were a little bit louder. and some of the pinks were questionably classified as pink.

after making four pink strawberries, i made the executive decision to switch to reds. from there, i opted for oranges and yellows, mostly due to a lack of pink and red scrap variety. the blocks were huge and the design wall filled up quickly.

after hacking up another hundred or so low volume squares for the sashing and a long debate between a random layout or rows in color order, i finally finished the top. i basted it up in the cavernous foyer with an aerial (loft) camera team for photo proof.

so, this thing is massive. so i was very limited in my quilting options. since i would have to roll it up to fit under my machine, the only option (for me) was straight lines or rows of loops. clearly i went with loops. also, i happened to quilt a piece of batting down to the backing, so that gave me the opportunity to spend sometime carefully cutting it away and picking out the fibers. grrrrrr….

then, it was binding time. there really was no other option for it besides a striped binding.

once it was finished i had big plans for an epic photoshoot. i convinced anna and ruby to join me on a hike to hanging rock, with the hopes of getting a really cool pic from moore’s knob. i stuffed it into my pack and off we went, only to have our plans foiled by some extremely windy conditions. it made for some funny pics though. and that’s fun enough. also. please check out that fantastic backing. it was so perfect, i even paid full price for it.

we did get one pretty cool pic, i guess. but it wasn’t how i had envisioned it.

here’s some close ups of some of the blocks, so you can see some of the cool fussy cuts.

and now. some more angles. because i took a million pics over the course of several photoshoots. and now it’s a lot of months later and i don’t want to decide on a pic, so you get them all.

anyways this is an instant new favorite. and definitely sparked an obsession with extreme scrappiness.