lets see here. apparently kicked off 2024 with a photoshoot with the christmas tree at derek’s parents house. i do not recall this happening, but the pics don’t lie.

we took the kids to a carolina thunderbirds hockey game. it was fun. cold. but fun. the score was like 15-4 or some nonsense. we spent a million dollars on food and promotions.

there was a lot of bills hype in january. they finished the regular season on a big win streak and stole the division title from the dolphins in a game against them in the last week of the season. we used some leftover frosting from the bills cake to make a cookie cake for good luck. of course everyone then got all decked out in their gear for school/work the next day. since we were set to play the steelers in the first round of the playoffs, ron, our machine repair guy, showed up with steelers gear, to bring the competitive spirit to our little fabric shop.

my parents came down in the middle of january to see nate bargatze’s comedy tour. we were so excited. except that the bills game was scheduled for the same exact time. then a blizzard hit buffalo and the game was moved to the next night and all was well for us. (not so much for the people of buffalo). but it was cool that we got to watch a game with deb and ter.

bills beat the steelers and had to play the stupid chiefs, yet again, the following week. of course we got all decked out and ready for this one. and of course our hearts were broken.

this kid took it the worst. she cried for quite awhile. had strong words for certain bills players who let us down. and learned what it’s like to be a bills fan.

despite this post being like 99% bills, other stuff did happen in january. i took a painting class. it was ok. i think the style wasn’t really what i was hoping for, but it was nice to get out of the house and meet other people, and do something different.

now for some miscellaneousness. my new sewing table that derek thrifted and made for me. ruby the laziest and cutest dog. hazel at taekwondo. the status of my workout area after christmas break. and snuggles with the crazelnut.

and that’s january!!