during their stay in winston-salem, jenn and brandy came over several nights, and we participated in all manner of crafting, a favorite activity of the jackson and lidbom girls.
more than once, we busted out the paints and glitter and stickers to make cool boxes and treasure chests and other random wooden things procured from the dollar store.

the chests and boxes from the first craft night were pure perfection if i do say so myself.

while we were working, we got chatting about the time we made the very same little treasure chests over five years ago when we camped together in washington. isaac disappeared to his room and came out bearing his chest, filled with national park tokens, that he still has, a surprise to us all.

the girls and i were still in the throes of our pompom making obsession, so we invited jenn and brandy to make their own poms.

on our last craft night, anna and jenn made bracelets, while isaac and brandy did a bit of gaming. (they share the same interest in teen boy activities). i think hazel watched, but my memory is sketchy from here in 2025. :/ i also remember jenn taking numerous photos of her bracelets, but i do not have any of them.

we also shared a little treat on their last night. some ice cream. and freshly picked local nc strawbs (for those who celebrate).

and then, our time came to an end, and they were off to a new adventure.