my boss and the owner of sewingly yours has a daughter, amanda, who has special needs. amanda’s grandma used to make all of the family birthday cakes, but had some recent health issues and wasn’t able to make amanda’s cake this year. so, amanda recruited me, started about three months before her birthday. 🙂
she was set on a carebears cake and wanted several bears, but most specifically the green one. i found a pic and showed it to her and she agreed and i got to work.

i was a little stressed about getting it right. sometimes the easiest characters are the hardest because they are so iconic and simple that any tiny thing that is off is amplified and hard to ignore. but, i am pretty happy with how it turned out.

amanda LOVED it. and, since i completely overdid it on serving sizes (two layer sheet cake) they had enough to use it at a second party later.

fun story though. the cake almost didn’t make it there in one piece. on my way in from the parking lot, i tripped on the curb, stumbling for a few steps, before recovering, all the while holding the cake level and safe from damage. baller.