while brandy toiled away, earning a living to provide for her wife and the glamorous road life, i showed jenn around town. we pretty much knocked out all of the cool winston salem things in two days.
first up, obviously, was old salem. except it was a monday, so most things were closed. but we walked around and took all of the obligatory photos, got our steps in, and caught up on life. of course there was giant tea pot tomfoolery.

after old salem, we scooted up 52, stopped for some snacks at a random food lion, and hit up pilot mountain. its fun to do these sorts of things with people who have never been, because you get to see it through new eyes. like, i have never stopped at this bird wingspan thing.

the hike is about a mile. and we took our sweet time, snapping pics, eating snacks, soaking up the pretty weather.

on day two, while brandy worked to pay the bills, jenn and i went to trader joes and whole foods and then the greensboro farmers market, where we bought the first strawberries of the season. we also checked out a local gluten free bakery, where we scored tons of treats. i got a keto cupcake for me and some GF treats for ike. jenn got a ton of GF and vegan stuff for her and brandy.

once we had a taste of this season’s local strawbs, we started scouring for the first opportunity to pick them ourselves. towards the end of jenn and brandy’s visit, jones farm, just down the road from me, opened for an afternoon, so we scurried over for the event. they were short pickers, so they were offering a discount on the baskets if you picked a second one for them to sell to non-u-pick folk. jenn did that. i, of course, picked two for myself (and my fam).

once again, a million photos to document the occasion.

we had a fun time. and there were so many berries. we filled up quickly. it ended up being a pretty long season this year, so this would not be the only time i was here.

this concludes the tales of jenn and i doing winston salem things while her wife worked and my kids were at school. but, it is not the end of the adventures involving other members of our fams….