whereas january felt like it was seven months long, i blinked and february was gone.
our february this year was pretty darn uneventful. outside of my stone mountain hike, all of the happenings of february qualify for this “monthly recap post” if that tells you anything about the excitement level over here.
still mostly rolling along with the working out and the eating nutritiously thing. i’ve actually been struggling a little to get back on track after birthday-thanksgiving-hazelbirthday-christmas-footballjanuary. but, we’ll get there.

in an attempt to get out of my workout rut, i joined a new gym. pretty excited about it. there’s group classes and some pretty good other amenities that planet fitness doesn’t offer. so, here’s to hoping this snaps me out of it.

part of the reason it’s hard to get back on track may or may not be the baking situation. last month there were cakes and cupcakes and snow day cookies. this month. it’s valentines day. of course i signed up to bring something to hazel’s class. and then, i couldn’t just stop there, i had to make super chunky m&m cookies.

february was pretty stuffed full of basketball for hazel g. her age division is 5th to 7th grade girls, so there was a huge disparity in the size and skills of the girls. the season started a little rough, but hazel finally found a groove and started really hustling and getting rebounds and loose balls and even scored a few baskets. she loved it so much, even if her team went winless. 🙁

in an effort to expose our kids to some legit basketball, another dad and i took our kiddos to a wake forest womens basketball game. they cared way more about snacks and the demon deacon mascot than any of the actual basketball. nonetheless, it was a good game and the deacs won.

the first spring mini-semester basically wrapped up in february. microbiology was a bit of a wild ride. the course was very disorganized and frustrating. the weather cancellations and the lengthy illness of our professor addes chaos to the mix. with lots of studying and out of sheer spite, i managed an A. but i was pretty pleased to have this one done. (i am also halfway through my final prerequisite course of chemistry, which i am actually enjoying).

dabbled a little in senior living with my pal sara-without-an-H, when she coerced me into going to a bingo fundraiser. we started off giddy with high hopes, but it was short lived. bingo is sooooo boring. i ate all of the snacks and even “won” a cake (it was an auction and i spent a lot of money but it’s for a good cause, right?). in the end, it was a good time and i met some new people. but, as for the bingo itself? i think i need to find a different hobby for my elder years.

in anna related news. she is on the academic team and they had their final match. derek was able to attend and snapped a pic. unfortunately, they lost, but her subject (english) kicked buttocks. she’s still into the embroidery thing. mostly. and she’s an avid reader (hence, the english thing), and spends all of my mckay money on her growing book collection (hoard).

in the miscellaniest of miscellaneous february happpenings….
shortly after josh allen’s MVP (!!!) speech, i received a surprise gift from my college friend/teammate, and fellow bills enthusiast, leah. ike is done with high school classes, and while he has a full course load at forsyth tech, he still has a lot of free time to game, and this is my usual living room view. eyeroll.

after a ridiculous amount of unnecessary snow days in january, some of which will need to be made up, the schools sent home packets of work in the event more weather related events were to occur. well, they occurred. again, unnecessarily, but they occured all the same. and the packets of work were not well received in our house. in my life. i’m basically having a midlife crisis which involves a lot of reading and podcasts and introspection about, well, my inner thought life. good. freaking. times.

after signing a contract to have our house painted in october, and some of the prep work taking place in october and november, and then being basically on hold waiting for a good week or two (or even some strings of three days) of warm, non-rainy weather, in february, actual painting began. hopefully i’ll have a whole wrap up post in the next month, but for now, here’s a progress shot.

lastly. ruby. she had a birthday this month. we didn’t give her a proper celebration. she’s six. she makes for a great study break partner. we pulled this bean bag out from it’s location and it’s pretty gross, so it’s heading to the dump, but for now, she’s enjoying the temporary location, looking out the window at our neighbor’s house.

and that’s february. and it’s only march 4th as i type this. i’m keeping up!! i’m really keeping up!!!