i literally can barely remember the happenings of last february. some of these pictures aren’t even really jogging my memory. but, i’ll muddle through, in the name of family memory keeping. here we go. ruby’s birthday is february 3rd. or so we are told. anna made her some pupcakes to celebrate her fifth birhday. she […]
stupid new house
december hap-hap-happenings.
now here is the part where i try to remember all the little moments from last december. the day to day stuff. when it wasn’t actual christmas or hazel’s birthday or cookie baking mayhem. let’s seeeeee. i always love the first few mornings after the tree is up and i have my coffee in the […]
may of twenty twenty three.
may has come and gone, so here’s the monthly update of happenings in lidkid land that don’t require a full blog post. here we go. (warning. this one is all over the place and weird and maybe boring). first of all. derek has continued to work on our deck, when the weather and his time […]
a ridiculously long post about april ’23.
well. you would think a post about april would be super short, considering we spent the first week on spring break, and all of that was detailed in previous posts. but, alas, sometimes when there’s not much excitement going on, these miscellaneous monthly posts get a lot more attention. or so it is in this […]
march mayhem (madness was taken).
turns out. march was busy. or at least that’s what my photographic evidence of march is telling me. aside from the items i will detail in this post, there was a cake, a big school project, a home improvement project, and a weekend bucket list getaway. now here’s the other stuff that happened. (this is […]
operation: quilt room makeover.
so. the room that is currently the quilt room has seen many iterations. it started as a disgusting, carpeted, animal pee stained dining room, when we bought the house. we tore out the carpet, put in some cheap flooring and painted a chalkboard wall and made it into the homeschool room. then, anna wanted her […]
miscellany in novembery.
november is my favorite. maybe because i have a birthday right in the middle. but also because the weather is cooling off. thanksgiving is fun. and christmas is right around the corner. here’s what was happening this november, when i wasn’t quilting, making cakes, or visiting western new york… in very exciting home improvement and […]
september schmeptember. 2022.
school was in full swing by the time september rolled along. after a little bit of a rough (tired) start for hazel, she was LOVING it. her grade had a class picnic and i got to meet some other parents and some of her friends. she seems to be settling into the public school life […]
july things.
as i look at the photos from july, i am realizing it was pretty uneventful, outside of our trip to the beach. so, this will be quick. i promise. firstly. there was the fourth of july. my pal stephanie has neighbors who hail from the great city of buffalo (or, well, like me, near buffalo). […]
may days. twenty twenty two.
here’s some stuff that happened in may. firstly, some cardinal eggs we found in one of my azalea bushes while we were hiding easter eggs finally hatched. i was able to stick my phone in and get good photos and we could sort of see them through the hall window, so it was a fun […]