september was quite busy with life stuff. we managed to sneak away for the trip to see vance joy, but mostly we were settling another school year, with all new routines. let’s kick things off with a discussion about this guy. it’s his senior year, so we are navigating all of the stuff that comes […]
miscellany of may.

as it turns out. may was pretty busy with things that deserved their very own blog posts. so this one will be short and sweet. to kick things off, anna and i did a bit of strawberry picking. we lovelovelove local nc strawberries. i ate healthy. walked and lifted. 🙂 ok. so this part is […]
january of 2024

lets see here. apparently kicked off 2024 with a photoshoot with the christmas tree at derek’s parents house. i do not recall this happening, but the pics don’t lie. we took the kids to a carolina thunderbirds hockey game. it was fun. cold. but fun. the score was like 15-4 or some nonsense. we spent […]
kicking off 2024 with a bills cake.

hopes for the bills were sky high when we rolled into 2024. they had just won 5 straight to overcome a 6-6 record to finish the season 11-6 and win the afc east. so, obviously, when my fellow western ny ex-patriot friend requested a bills cake for her husband, it made perfect sense and i […]
december hap-hap-happenings.

now here is the part where i try to remember all the little moments from last december. the day to day stuff. when it wasn’t actual christmas or hazel’s birthday or cookie baking mayhem. let’s seeeeee. i always love the first few mornings after the tree is up and i have my coffee in the […]
christmas cookie extravaganza of 2023

once again, i/we WAAAY overdid it with baking for christmas. i say it every year, but NEXT year, i will tone it down a bit. (and i can confirm that last years declaration went unheeded and i went off the rails again this year. but NEXT YEAR….) last year though. 2023. i had helpers. eager […]
a whole lot of november things.

in order to keep this post manageable, i had to write a lot of separate smaller posts about november happenings, but it’s still a big one. and even though as i write it, it’s only 12 days into december, all of these memories feel like they were months and months ago. so much stuff crammed […]
47th birthday chronicles.

i normally wouldn’t have an entire post dedicated to a random birthday, but i did some cool stuff, ate some good food, hung out with fun friends, and well, i didn’t want my november post to have 60 photos, so here we are. first of all. two days before my birthday, six weeks after my […]
go bills. pillow version.

a few years back, i decided to try my hand at foundation paper piecing pattern drafting. of course, since it was in the middle of a successful football season, trying to create a fabric version of the bills logo was the only logical choice. except that it wasn’t. at least maybe not for my first […]
things that took place in october.

it’s fall! the favorite season around these parts. we are all settled into the routine of school. football season is in full swing. it’s cooling off (but it’s still north carolina, so sort of stupidly warm). and we are ready for the gauntlet of holidays. so, here’s how we spent our october…. first things first. […]