*not really extreme. i bought this hoodie at a consignment store for $1.00 on friday: (sorry for the terrible picture quality. i took it to send to a friend and then never took a better “before” picture). if you can’t tell, it’s white with an embroidered boat. a boat. really? anyhow, i couldn’t decide what […]
i just can’t stop

(but in my defense, some of these are gifts). (and in my defense, anna has already ruined a few by wearing them on concrete. they’re not cut out for life on the knees of a crawling baby on concrete).
hot pink. cupcakes. crafty.

so the story starts like many others: i follow a lot of blogs. and i’ve created a rather long list of crafty things i want to try someday. one of them was to dye my own onesies. why? why not just buy them the color i want them? well, there’s a few reasons. for starters, […]
babyleg mania

i’ve been on a rampage making baby legs for the annababy. the $2 target knee sock is making me out of control…. the skull pair is for my sister’s baby eliot. the pink and white polkadots are for bridgette’s baby addison.
ruffle butt

i made this for anna today and i couldn’t stop taking pictures of her butt. i don’t know if i ever will.
baby legs

i follow a ridiculous number of blogs. cupcake blogs. home decor blogs. mom blogs. friend blogs. and many a craft blog. on one such blog, i was reading a post about how to turn some old grownup t-shirts and a onesie into a pieced jersey dress. i thought, “well, that would be a really great […]
cupcakie onesie

made this for the annababy this morning while isaac was at school and she slumbered away…
leafy onesie

I’ve had this idea (or one like it) brewing in my head for awhile, but it wasn’t until the stars aligned and Anna took a 1.5 hour nap and Isaac was at school that I could put it together for realz… I present to you, the fall leaves onesie:
New robot shirt
Isaac recently outgrew his old robot shirt, so I pulled a 'blank' shirt from his closet and attached some random felt pieces like so…Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry