things have been pretty boring around here. standard kid stuff. he’s way too many pictures to document our lack of anything exciting… the first of many hazel pictures. naturally. sad sad anna, after we told her about lucy killing our favorite chicken, tina fey. i had to promise her we would get more chickens. we […]

it’s a well known fact that i don’t buy my kids new clothes. well, occasionally, i encounter something that i can’t pass up. but, mostly, my kids are clad in hand-me-downs, megathrift finds and consignment sale clothings. this friday, after i dropped ike off at school, i carted anna off to a local preschool and […]
ike’s first field trip and a christmas bow tie.

isaac is going on his very first ever field trip with his preschool class today. they are going to ardmore moravian church and having a candle tea party or something. in the instructions, his teacher said to wear “church” or “christmas” attire. so, isaac and i reviewed his closet. of course, he wanted to wear […]
charlie brown christmas

aside from multiple viewings of “a charlie brown christmas” (i think we’re already at 6 or 7 this year), we like to infuse our christmas decor with a generous amount of charlie brown themed items. my personal favorite is this ornament, that plugs into a light strand and lights up. it weighs about 7 pounds, […]
matching robot shirts

my friend bridgette made these super cute shirts for my lid kids. i’m very excited.
july 4th garb

since we live fairly close to the coolest fireworks show in town, we have had a party with a few of our closest friends each of the last few years. this year was no exception. well, it was an exception, because “a few” turned into “50” and the outdoor cookout was rained out and we […]
romper room

after reading a blog post about how easy it is to do shirring and make a romper, i decided i needed to make anna a sweet summer outfit… so, bridgette and i hit up karen gray’s, a local fabric store and i picked out a pretty little fabric (to match anna’s pink sneakers, of course). […]
12 little boom boxes.

the other day, i went on a thrifting spree with my friend jessica. first, we went to megathrift, because all clothes were half off. she with a 1.5ish year old girl and a brand brand new baby boy and i with my extra tall 4 year old boy and my monster baby girl… we have […]
rainbow crafting

finally, the last in my series of posts about anna’s birthday party… i made these two things for her to wear to her rainbow-ific event. 1) a rainbow bib to smear rainbow cake all over. i used leftover fabric from her quilt (and some from ike’s quilt). and manhandled my worst binding job ever. but, […]
various sorts of craftiness…

i had a day full of miscellaneous crafting. first, i went to bridgette’s house, where she, jude and i, made freezer paper stencils, while the little people ran amuck in bridgette’s big house. jude did a dog, bridgette did some flip flops and i, of course, did a robot. i used silver paint on a […]