i have had a complete lack of sewing motivation during the lockdown. which works out, because i also find myself with very little time to sew. even though our lives didn’t change THAT much, i am missing a weekly day with the kids in co-op so i can run errands. and an evening with anna […]
lockdown easter activities.

as we rolled towards easter, it was pretty apparent that it was going to be spent in quarantine. so, i did what any quarantine mom would do. i ordered $20 worth of sprinkles from michaels curbside pick up and made cookies to decorate. i found an egg shaped cookie cutter in my baking supplies that […]
march.(quarantine begins).

towards the end of our time in florida, the concern over the coronavirus was just picking up. we definitely gave a little extra thought to the fact that we were in a city with an international airport. but mostly, we had no idea that things were about to get real crazy real fast. when we […]