i think most people would agree that january is the most blah month ever. the holidays are over. it’s still cold and gray. there’s nothing exciting to look forward to for a really long time. and it seems like it lasts for like 75 days. such was the case for this january around here in […]
other december happenings, including christmas.

and now, for my standard monthly recap, minus the things that were exciting enough (or i had too many picture of) to have their own posts (hazel’s cake, her birthday, christmas baking, and a quilt). turns out, there’s still a lot to talk about. firstly, anna decided to try out for her middle school basketball […]
september twenty twenty one.

september was a really hard month. we had a close friend who lost their son to suicide. it is the single worst thing i have ever watched someone have to go through. it has cast a sadness over everything. before all of this, anna and i had ourselves a perfect saturday. first, we hit up […]
august mayhem.

well. our epic summer road trip had to come to a close eventually, and we rolled back up to the stupid new house in early/mid-august. we had originally planned to spend a bit more time on the road, but as covid cases began to turn the midwest red, we scooted through that area a little […]
two christmasses, twentytwenty.

we made it to christmas in 2020! it’s been a year, right? when our thanksgiving plans were ruined by some covid spiking, and then things just kept getting worse, i assumed that there was no way we would be celebrating our traditional “swedish” christmas with grandlidboms and madge. but, the grandlidboms pulled it off. we […]
great smokies. camping, travel day, clingmans dome, and miscellany.

well. it appears i’ve gotten incredibly behind with my blogging again. the truth is, i’m not very motivated these days. but, we have some rv trips coming up, and i know we will have lots of adventures, and if i fall much further behind, i’m not sure i’ll ever blog again. so without further ado, […]
quarantine may.

even though things started opening up in may, we mostly laid low, and did a lot of the same things we have been doing for the entire quarantine. music concerts, baking, sewing, dog snuggling, yard work. you know the drill. but then also a few outings, of varying degrees of excitement. 🙂 firstly. on anna’s […]
escape to pilot mountain.

early in may, north carolina began phase one of “reopening” and part of that was state parks opening in various capacities. since it happened on a friday evening, we had no plans to venture out on that weekend with the masses of crazy people who had been cooped up for so long. then, it started […]
cinco de mayo, in the time of coronavirus.

during our time roaming around the southwest in the camper, we developed quite an affinity for mexican culture. so, this year, we decided to really do it up, quarantine style, for cinco de mayo. fun fact, annas due date was may 5th, but she was late. ho hum. originally, i had just planned to do […]
april in quarantine.

at the start of april, time was seemingly standing still. the days were incredibly long. and it was hard to remember what day it actually was. we were still doing school. and arts and crafts. and dance. but the daily monotony was getting old. i busted out some clearance crafts that i picked up when […]