made these awhile back to hang in the anna baby’s room. i had been on the search for some letters for her name, but couldn’t decide what i wanted to do. i saw a tutorial for a whole alphabet of these letters that i had filed away for a rainy day. then it hit me… […]
anna baby’s quilt
yesterday was my birthday. isaac finally went to school in the morning (after a week off from illness). and anna slept for 2.5 straight hours yesterday morning. glorious. anyhow, it freed me up to make some really great progress on her quilt. enough that i was compelled to stay up late last night and finish […]
new and improved robot
awhile back, early in my crafting days, i made a robot for isaac. after a couple of years of play time, he’s seen better days. one leg has almost completely fallen off. most of the stitching is pulled and snagged and not looking so hot. and the cheap-o craft felt that i used is all […]
making baby thingz
in an effort to keep from losing approximately 3 pacifiers per week, i decided it was time to invest in a clip attaching anna’s pacifier to her (tiny little) person. well, the choices were not aplenty, so i decided i would make my own. and here it is…. we have also been in need of […]
single girl quilt top
quite a while back, i got the terrific idea to make a denyse schmidt single girl quilt for the anna baby. ten minutes here, an hour there… and a nice long stretch of time today… and i have completed the 16 blocks, making 4 rings, each with 31 pieces of brightly colored fabric and a […]
cupcakie onesie
made this for the annababy this morning while isaac was at school and she slumbered away…
leafy onesie
I’ve had this idea (or one like it) brewing in my head for awhile, but it wasn’t until the stars aligned and Anna took a 1.5 hour nap and Isaac was at school that I could put it together for realz… I present to you, the fall leaves onesie:
finished ruffle curtainz
After a little break from curtain making, I got back on my horse today and constructed the second curtain for Anna’s room. Derek kindly purchased and hung a curtain rod immediately after completion so I could see the fruits of my labors. I’m fairly pleased with this, my first major sewing undertaking… (the dark pic […]