on our third and final day day in chicago, our only scheduled activity was a boat tour gifted to us by the grandlidboms. in fact, i’m like 99% sure that every boat tour i have been on in my adult life has been gifted by the grandlidboms. anyways, we woke up bright and early, threw […]
chicago. day two.sky high views, co-worker hot dogs, bean.

our second day in chicago was another looooong one. we kicked things off with a race against the clock to make it to our scheduled time for a trip to the top of the chicago 360 tower. between driving in downtown chicago, parking in the weird spiral parking garage, getting isaac situated in an allowed […]
chicago. day one.an old house, a museum, inside out pizza.

our drive from indiana dunes to chicago wasn’t all that far, but it was pretty stressful, as most folks who have driven in chicago traffic will attest. we parked the rv in a parking lot and then piled into the car to rush over to our first activity, a scheduled tour of the robie house, […]