my pal kristin boone, who is the best photographer around, took some pics of my kids a few weeks ago. and like always. they are AMAZING. i like to think my cute kids have something to do with this. but, seriously though. kristin gets the best out of them. and they are always way more […]
kristin boone photography
belated (mostly instagrams) march post.

beware: this post contains 45 pictures from the lid kid month of march. we kicked off march with derek and isaac heading out of town to a wedding, so i just had the girls. which meant anna watched a lot of frozen and slept in the bed with me and dressed like a princess and […]
raise your hand if you think kristin boone is fantastic
kristin boone took pictures of hazel. and. they’re awesome. and one of anna. 🙂 if you click on any of them, you will go to my flickr account and you can see them all.
pre family beach trip catch up post.

ok. get ready for one zillion pictures. then, i’m going to try to make sure nothing fun or picture worthy happens in the next two days. because on saturday, we pack up and our little family of five will head to the beach. and you can be sure that i will be over facebooking, instagramming […]
kristin boone is awesome.
But you already knew that.  🙂 Anyhow, she came over to take some pictures last friday and they are totally awesome. Here are some (a bunch) of my favorites… If you click on any of them, you’ll be whisked away to my flickr account where you can view them all.
super fast update.

i’m going to race to caption these photos and then get to bed. homeschooling… another post with details to come soon. soonish. hazel’s starting to get grabby. we made cookies. and ate a LOT of cookie dough. perfect cookies. thanks to the cookie scoop. anna got a substantial haircut. the tangled mess was becoming ridiculous. […]
hazel’s photo shoot.

my pal kristin boone takes amazing pictures. she came over to meet hazel and snapped a few pics of her when she was about a week old. and, like always. they are awesome. my family is in town right now. crazytown. they leave tomorrow. and then, thursday, i’m officially on my own, with three little […]
kristin boone photo preview

my personal photographer (hehe) took some pics of theannababy and ike the other day. she’s amazing. she sent this sneak peak of anna… can’t wait to get the rest!!
kristin boone does it again…

kristin boone came over to take some pics of the girl last week. of course, she did a marvelous job.