Sarah Powers is my best pal from BHS days, and she is moving to Raleigh with her boyfriend Jack in a few weeks. Yesterday, I went out and saw them as they completed a 4 day long quest for living arrangements. My school sent me to some training in Durham, so it worked out nicely. […]
We had another snow day today. It was only a teacher work day, no students were coming, but it was still a snow day. And we have to make it up. Pain in my butt. Oh well, I got some stuff done on my parents site and worked out leisurely, and so on and so […]
Another Snow Day
Today was yet another snow day. It’s kind of getting old. It’s hard to get the kids settled after days off and especially with just one day until the weekend. And… we’ll have to make it up, with all the rest, and when we do, there will be more kids (they start coming in from […]
Optional Teacher Work Day
Monday and Tuesday were full-fledged snow days. Today was and tomorrow will be an “optional teacher workday”. Which means, we can go in and work if we want, or we can use accrued vacation time. Since, I have NO accrued time, I’ll work. 🙂 Actually, it’s great. It gives me time to organize and get […]
It snowed a few inches over the weekend. Just enough to send the region into a frenzy. School was cancelled (for me) and work was cancelled (for Derek). Word on the street is, there’s gonna be some sleet and freezing rain, so I think I might be off tomorrow, too. Before you start thinking that […]
“F” word
Today a student said the “F” word to me. Well, he didn’t finish it, and believed that was reason enough not to be punished. He was wrong.
Another weekend, come and gone…
It’s another Sunday night. Getting set for my first full week of school with students. Last week I had two teacher work days before the students came back and then a snow day on Friday. It was great. Not much going on this weekend. We watched some football and cleaned up around the house. Pretty […]
Back to work
It’s the final hours of “vacation”. Derek goes back to work tomorrow and I start my new job at the Yadkin Success Academy tomorrow. I’m excited and nervous. And — very happy to have a job and something to do with my time. It’s not a typical teaching environment. Small classes, self-paced learning. But, I […]
LeAnn’s wedding
I went to LeAnn’s wedding this weekend. She was so happy and pretty and I had a great time seeing old pals. If you click the picture below, I’ve added a “story” about it in my biography section. In other news, I quit my job teaching. It was just completely overwhelming and frustrating and tiring […]
Second Week OVER
My second week of teaching is OVER. Really, it’s been 9 days. i am taking tomorrow off to go to LeAnn’s wedding. She’s making me be in it. The teaching thing is rough. More often than not, I find myself wondering why I’ve chosen to do this to myself. There have been many 10+ hour […]