annual sugary christmas themed endeavors.

it’s no secret that i would sell it all and hit the road again if i could, but christmastime in the stupid new house does have certain advantages.

every year in the rv, the kids have been forced to make tiny gingerbread houses. (2018, 2017, 2016), so they were pretty stoked to have full sized versions this year.

i bought excessive gingerbread exterior decorating supplies, but unlike other years, i can sock this stuff away for future endeavors. also, unlike years past, they didn’t really seem to need my help. sigh.

finally, the masterpieces were completed. we piled them into the homeschool room, where the best lighting and backdrop are located, for an official full size gingerbread house photoshoot.

not only was our gingerbread game greatly enhanced by moving into a ginormous house, but our cutout cookie experience improved immeasurably. (it was nonexistent on the road, so).

once the cookies were baked and cooled, we assembled our arsenal of decorating materials. the kids voted for glaze type icing over frosting for some unknown reason and we had a bunch of leftover sprinkles and such from our gingerbread houses. (after christmas, i went on a clearance shopping rampage, so next years cookies should be fully blinged out).

we take decorating very seriously. also, it was determined that we would not include these cookies in any of our gift bags, due to the likelihood of saliva contamination. the glaze icing was super gloopy and messy and there was really no hope…

mayhem progress shot from above.

our cookie decorating extravaganza happened to fall on the same day as the bills v patriots game. so, obviously, i had to turn one of my gingerbread man shaped cookies into a josh allen likeness. it occurred to me that i’ve been turning gingerbread men into buffalo sports figure likenesses since 1989. i really should be more skilled at it by this point.

anyhoooo. here are the results. i have some particular favorites, obviously. please take a moment to locate the red elmo angel. and the tooth breaker candy cane next to it. and the “A” mitten. i mean really, considering the gloopy icing situation, they are all masterpieces, even with saliva.

the end.

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