isaac the teenager’s birthday party.

while we were in charleston, this baby turned thirteen. THIRTEEN. a teenager. it’s hard to believe it really.

he was a trooper about spending his actual birthday doing charleston touristy things, with the promise that we would have a proper birthday party the following weekend. but before i get to that. a bit about the boy. er, the teen.

isaac is very smart, especially in maths and sciences. he loves to build and think through mechanical and engineering type puzzles. he’s also quite creative, creating stop motion videos and writing books about minecraft adventures. he’s a great big brother to hazel (less so to anna, who is his arch nemesis). he loves to play minecraft and fortnite and pretty much any video game he can get his hands on. he also really loves coding and spends a lot of afternoons building his own video games. he’s also an avid fan of the show stranger things, and, along with other movie and tv trivia, can rattle off endless information about the show. when he’s not frustrated with one of us for making him do schoolwork or not be on a screen or practice his guitar or be nice to his sister, he’s got a pretty great attitude and generous heart. ok ok. now. onto the birthday party….

isaac requested a sleepover with some of his bros, complete with pizza, generous volumes of snacks, gaming upon gaming, and of course cake.

when we thought maybe a small fraction of the pizza and snacks were beginning to be digested, it was time to bust out the stranger things cake (which will receive it’s own full blog post to come). and the mayhem of birthdays with teen boys ensued….

the singing was raucous. off key. long and drawn out. and hilarious.

then. faces were stuffed with excessive sugar.

some of the kids went home later in the evening. and we gained one cousin who had to attend a fancy dinner commitment. the girls went to a sleepover at the grandlidbom’s house. which left isaac, his buddy alden, and cousins preston and caison to sleepover.

they stayed up late and woke up early, as sleepovers tend to go. for breakfast, we had eggo waffles (the favorite food of the main stranger things character). they literally ate six waffles each. boys. sigh.

when the grandlidboms dropped off the girls, they took the two cousins home, but alden ended up hanging around our parts for another sleepover night, which works out nicely. he keeps isaac from annoying his sisters. and hazel thinks he’s pretty awesome. i would keep him forever if i could.

anyhoooo. i think isaac had a pretty great birthday celebration. and i’m officially the mom of a teen. sigh…

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