i think we can all agree at this point, that if i’m working on my february post on the last day of march, that’s a good pace for me.
so here goes. the random life and times of the lidbom kids during the last month before the apocalypse happened.
first up. the superbowl. a tom brady patriot free superbowl. i don’t even remember who was in it. just that we ate delicious foods. and enjoyed knowing that whoever won wouldn’t make me be sad.
partiers. wings. obviously.
february was a pretty productive quilt month. i finished my anna maria horner epic quilt top and got it basted. and i finished the entire meadowland quilt for hazel. anna even did a bit of quilting. and i squeezed in a scrunchie prototype, because the 90s are back.
sewing associates. basting supervisor. quilter in training. scrunchie attempt one.
remember that wonderful mug derek got me for christmas? and then it cracked immediately? well, my replacement came. and my coffee tastes 1000x better.
ok. some super miscellaneousness…
6 year old check up. all good. matching thrifted outfits. game night. snow(ish) day. epic vintage fisher price thrift find ($5)!! florida road trip meal prep. the lego situation in our house is out of hand.
of course, in february, there’s that pesky valentines holiday. another reason to eat sugar and junk. or be the mean mom. the girls made cookies at the grandlidboms while isaac was at an appointment. and then i caved and bought the supplies for some easy valentines cupcakes. i much prefer my old standby, a heart shaped breakfast.
cookies. bakers. cupcakes. balanced hearty breakfast.
in other baking news. banana bread.
there was a bit of drama in february, when a torrential rainstorm washed out part of our driveway. (we also had quite a bit of excitement when the storm rolled through while we were at co-op, where i was volunteering for the day, and there were tornado warnings requiring a tiny bit of shelter in place panic). anyhoo. we had to shell out some big bucks to replace the culvert under our driveway and i was mad. that’s a lot of money towards updating the burnt orange kitchen.
missing hunk. least exciting home improvement ever. expert supervisor.
the girls and i made the LOOOONG drive out for a playdate with hazel’s buddy from co-op, lochlyn. they had a blast jumping on the trampoline (and getting ridiculous static hair). and playing mariokart and just dance. it was a full fun day.
co-op rolled along. the kids really like(d) their classes this semester. too bad it all came to an abrupt end, thanks to recent pandemic mayhem.
anna texture art. cake decorating. engineering pals. these three goofs.
anna also was super stoked to get her dance recital costume. we were only allowed to try it on, wear it to picture day, and then wear it to dress rehearsal and the recital. we tried it on. took some pics. and the rest of those things don’t seem like they will be happening anytime soon. and now that we have had a few weeks of virtual dance classes online, we are really missing this old studio. 🙁
goof. goof, part two. ballerinas.
and lastly, the ruby collage.
forced snuggles. doofus. favorite spot. 🙂 she loves the boy. she loves me more. rubes selfies with anna.
at the end of february, we hit the road to florida. i’ll get those posts rolling soon. but, needles to say, while we were there, the world changed. its strange to look back at these photos, which feel soooooo long ago. and how oblivious we were about the seriousness of a little virus that was popping up in china.
I definitely agree with that last sentence. I guess those were the good old days before CV19.