let me kick things off with the two big lidkids official school photos. it’s been quite a few years since our last school photos (anna was in kindergarten and isaac still rocked a bowtie in third grade). of course this is the year that mullets made a comeback.
football season is also in full swing, so most of our sundays look like this:
the bills have been a little more inconsistent than we were expecting, but our western new york themed food has been on point.
hazel is still a little lonely as the only remaining homeschooler. we spend our days doing crafts, not wearing much clothing (her, not me), and reading up on the friendship between josh allen and stefon diggs in a sports illustrated for kids magazine that derek may or may not have overpaid for on ebay.
of course there was pumpkin carving in october. the boy was not interested, as is the case with most family activities these days. :(. but the girls were all in. they even attempted to scoop their own pumpkin guts this year.
our results were perfection, if i do say so myself. i made a bills logo, but i maybe got a little too thin on that stripe and had to prop it up with a toothpick. anna made the coolest chicken silhouette. and hazel went with a traditional jack-o-lantern face.
also, there was much halloween cookie decorating to be done.

expert chefs, hard at work.
our results. complete with a josh allen zombie, of course.

with halloween falling on a sunday this year, we thought it would be fun to have a little bonfire party on saturday night with some of our friends. the kiddos had hot dogs and the adults had various chilis, cooked up by derek. and i bought massive amounts of smores ingredients, but the kids opted for halloween cookies mostly. except for the few who bit into my pumpkin cupcakes with orange cream cheese frosting, only to discover they didn’t like them and threw them away, which was fun.
and finally. actual halloween. we haven’t trick or treated for the last couple of years (covid, bad weather), so the girls were pretty excited about it this year. hazel went as josh allen, which was pretty convenient. she already had the jersey. i modified some white sweatpants with ribbon and some bills fabric. she wore my bills socks. and her blue sneakers rounded things out nicely. anna was an 80s girl. we ordered some accessories (leg warmers, necklaces, bracelets, and gloves) from amazon, but the rest was from the thrift store. a bit (lot) of make up and a side ponytail and she was good to go.
we attempted to get ruby to wear her unicorn costume to no avail. and then we were off to meet up with some friends in their neighborhood (we live in the woods in a more rural and spaced out location). our pal evan’s alien abduction costume stole the show, even if it was slightly cumbersome and dangerous. :). hazel was super excited when we happened upon the home of a bills fan and they gave her extra candies and a boisterous “go bills!”….
and. october is a wrap.