with a large chunk of august spent in iceland, and with the time before that spent feverishly preparing for iceland, and the time after it spent feverishly recovering from iceland while simultaneously getting the kiddos ready for school the following week, this recap for “the rest of august” is going to be short and sweet and not very exciting.
let’s rewind.
before we even got to iceland, we had to, well, get to iceland. a long drive to raleigh for a lengthy stay in the RDU airport. a redeye flight direct to iceland, losing four hours of time , and for sure not getting quality sleep, despite us each having an entire row to ourselves. it’s all here. you can see the crazy in our eyes, documented in these photos for all of time.

while i was in iceland, one my best pals from college texted to tell me that the buffalo bill fisher price little people were out in wegman’s stores that day and that she was heading to get some, and asked if i needed some for the crazel. obviously, the answer is yes. she also sent along a few other bills themed goodies and hazel was so surprised and excited to receive it all.

as previously mentioned. the kids went back to school at the end of august, so the week between iceland and the first day was spent picking up school supplies, getting organized, going to open houses, and establishing better routines. and then it was go time. the kids are still all at three different schools with wildly different start times, so first day photos are taken individually.

august was soooooo uneventful that we are now already at the part of the blog where i dredge up a bunch of random things and put them in a collage and sort of attempt to caption them. here we have a reindeer block that i made for a shop sample, a cake that i decorated for a friend’s husband’s birthday (another friend made the cake, and the husband didn’t want anything super crazy, so i was limited in my creativity), and a selfie with anna and a chicken.

of course, no monthly round up blog post would be complete without some ruby pics. she’s exceptionally lazy these days. her sleeping abilities are impressive.

and that’s a wrap on august.