i literally can barely remember the happenings of last february. some of these pictures aren’t even really jogging my memory. but, i’ll muddle through, in the name of family memory keeping. here we go.
ruby’s birthday is february 3rd. or so we are told. anna made her some pupcakes to celebrate her fifth birhday. she knew just what to do.

of course she also needed a lot of birthday snuggles and naps. she really has turned into quite a lazy bum in her older years.

i took a class at village fabric shop turning a thrifted chenille bedspread into a hoodie. i had high hopes of making more of these, but i can confirm that has yet to take place.

hazel continued her taekwondo journey. she really loved it. in february.
spoiler alert: she quite when her year was up.

we still have chickens. they started laying again in february when the days got a bit longer. and the egg prices went down. jerks.

and there was a skate night. i can still get around a bit. but no tricks. i’m very much too old.

for posterity. derek made me a new quilt table for christmas, which turned into a complete rearrangement of my quilting room. which then led to fabric purge and reorganization. so, i took a pic.

and then some random stuff to finish up this post. delicious pizza with a friend. a strawberry cake for my co-workers birthday. the boy, doing some homework.

and that’s a wrap on the february that i can barely remember.