one day, we were at the library, picking out books, looking up books to put on hold, guessing the number of pieces in the candy jar, when our friendly librarian told us that someone had just returned the library’s pass to the local science museum. we jumped at the chance to check it out for […]
lid kid everyday life
forty three.
in november, i turned 43. sounds very old when i say it out loud or see it in writing. like a grownup, even. anyhooooo. the derek and the kids kicked off my birthday morning but going out and picking up a starbucks peppermint mocha and bagel station salt bagels and chive cream cheese. so good. […]
october, other.
a lot of october 2019 was spent in acadia and shenendoah national parks. but here’s what we were doing when we weren’t out in the wilderness. well, firstly, i spent a lot of time meal prepping and cleaning for the acadia trip. the rv was pretty gross after a long time of being unoccupied, so […]
so much september.
aside from a quick little trip to ny with anna and hazel, we laid low for most of september. we kicked off our homeschool year. and continued with co-op. football started. we baked a lot. anna started ballet officially. and there were lots of bugs and ruby snuggles. firstly. we started homeschool. the room came […]
boring august.
you would think that since we are no longer traveling and i don’t have to squeeze blogging in amongst various amazing and epic adventures, that i would be able to keep up with it better. you would think. anyhoooo. it’s only 11 days into september (edited: 19 days) and i’m finally getting to the august […]
just july things…
i lied. as with june, there wasn’t a lot going on around here in july. i mean. we went on a hike. and my parents came. but mostly. it was more of the same. i suppose i should get used to it. to kick things off, ill cover the less exciting bits of the not […]
boring june, 2019
well. nothing exciting happened in june. so. here’s my list of less than exciting things that happened. i’ll kick things off with the random things around the house happenings. now that we were in a house, anna is hoping to up her sewing game. we scored a used version of the same machine i sew […]
may miscellany. a wee bit of april, too.
well. i’m up to the end of may with my blogging catchup. now it’s time for that one post that details the random bits of our life that don’t fit into a post. they aren’t adventures. they aren’t tales of new dogs or new houses or quilts or birthdays. they are regular life things, mostly. […]
one of the very few pros to settling back down is that we are able to get a dog. we have very much missed lucy the last few years on the road, but traveling with dogs adds a layer of complexity to the logistics that we just didn’t want. (making sure we have a/c when […]
the annababy is nine.
and then. somehow. she was nine. the annababy, obviously no longer a baby, is turning into quite an interesting and fun kiddo. she’s adventurous, curious, thoughtful, kind, honest, smart, creative, and goofy. she loves to draw and write and read and dance and play music. she hates math and compulsory school. she loves all animals […]