it might be because it’s my birthday month. or because of the fall vibes. cool nights. or because of thanksgiving and delicious foods and christmas around the corner. but i think we can all say that november is a good month. anyways. we kicked off our november this year with our annual bonfire and chili […]
lid kid everyday life
happy birthday to me. camping/hiking edition.

my little rest and relax trip to virginia over fall break reminded me how much i need some camping/hiking/outdoor/alone time built into my schedule. so, for my birthday weekend, i snagged a campsite at hanging rock, then proceeded to get way ahead on my school work so i could properly enjoy the downtime, and then […]
the random happenings of october

let’s seeee here. it’s february as i’m typing this. i have a lot of fond memories of the month of october. a few bittersweet. but mostly fond. i guess that’s the whole idea of the sweet in the bittersweet, though. anywayyyyzzzz… let me kick things off with an update about school. i wrapped up the […]
halloween ’24

not much exciting news regarding halloween this year. as the kids get older, it gets weird. isaac doesn’t even bother with it. anna pulled together her costume and made plans with friends. and hazel went as hermione granger, a costume she already had. i took her to a friend’s neighborhood, where we did a bit […]
seppy temby. twenty twenty foury.

september was quite busy with life stuff. we managed to sneak away for the trip to see vance joy, but mostly we were settling another school year, with all new routines. let’s kick things off with a discussion about this guy. it’s his senior year, so we are navigating all of the stuff that comes […]
labor day hanging rock hike.

i managed to drag two of the other four members of my immediate nuclear family out to hanging rock on a beautiful (slightly warm) labor day for a little hike up to moore’s knob. (we actually made the decision to do the lesser traveled moore’s knob trail instead of hiking to hanging hanging rock when, […]
v. uneventful august.

if it seemed like the summer was whirlwind, stuffed full of vacations and adventures, you’re not mistaken. it was made even more hectic, because the school calendar was moved forward by about two weeks this year, so the kiddos were back at it in early august. not crazy about it, but come next may, we […]
july of 2024 miscellany and things.

we arrrived home in ws/nc, from our slightly too long michigan trip, on july third. just in time for the dog days of summer. after spending all of june complaining about not bringing enough cold weather clothes and bundling up for all of our excursions, you’d think we wouldn’t complain, but man, it was hot. […]
a few things that happened in june ’24 before we left for a 3 week trip to michigan.

we only had a week of june before we departed for our michigan summer road trip. but we crammed in some things. firstly. school ended. i already blogged about anna’s graduation. ike finished up his junior year a bit more quietly. and hazel wrapped up a great fourth grade year, which is the year they […]
eighth grade grad.

school ended in early june and for ike and hazel, there was little fanfare. but. anna was graduating from 8th grade, middle school, and apparently we make a big deal about these sorts of things. the ceremony was held at wait chapel on wake forest’s campus, if that tells you anything. it was an ordeal. […]