after a good night’s sleep, we wasted no time getting out and adventuring on our first day in acadia. we drove to the jordan pond house parking lot and then hopped on a shuttle to take us to the bubbles trailhead. this way, we could do a longer hike and see more and not have […]
the rambling road show
road trip to maine.

well. i’m obviously a million months behind in blogging. years even. decades. ha. well, here goes. another frantic attempt to catch up. when i left off, we were wrapping up september. october was quite an exciting month, as we kicked things off with a road trip to acadia national park. since we currently reside in […]
alum cave trail to mount le conte.gsmnp.

our first visit to great smoky mountains was pretty low key. it was before we did a lot of hiking and the kids were a lot younger and it was winter so a lot of stuff was closed. so, when we decided to go back for our first excursion in the rv since settling back […]
back on the road.great smoky mountain national park.

when we decided to settle, it was our hope that we would still be able to travel a bit. so, after two months in the house, we packed up the rv to take a long weekend adventure just down the road, at great smoky mountain national park. it was very different getting ready for this […]
easter eggs. 2019.

back home, in north carolina, we settled into our “local” campground, while we looked for a house. it was sort of whirlwind, so i’m sure my timeline might get out of whack, but i do know it was almost easter. so, we obviously had to dye eggs. we may have picked up one or two […]
last days in sc. and on the road.

now it’s time for that random post that i make every now and then to catch up on the less adventurous parts of our travels. only this one is much more bittersweet. because it’s the last time we would be on the road in our rv. and the memories are of a time of stress […]
fort sumter and fort moultrie.

well. this post isn’t exactly chronological. between our two weekends in savannah, i took the kids to fort sumter, where the first shots of the civil war were fired, just south of charleston. it was actually more of an undertaking than i was prepared for and we were pretty disappointed. like fort jefferson, this fort […]
savannah adventures.slave quarters, forts, museums, food, farmers markets, shopping.

the final stop on the lidbom rambling roadshow (although we didn’t know it at the time) was a little place in yemassee, south carolina. it’s sort of located between charleston and savannah, so our plan was to do a bit of exploring in each spot. we ended up mostly sticking to savannah, though, because on […]
okeefenokee swamp.

after our time in saint augustine, we began to make our way back towards winston-salem. derek found us a little campground outside of the okefenokee swamps of georgia, so we decided to do a bit of exploring there. for our first day, we decided a canoe trip through the black waters was on tap. it […]
st. augustine with the grandlidboms.

for our final stop on our loop around florida, we met up with the grandlidboms in saint augustine. the wait between the last time we saw them and this time wasn’t as long as some of the visits out west, but the kids were just as excited, nonetheless. our first stop was dinner at a […]