for our big cool adventure while my mom was here, we planned a whale watching trip. derek found a groupon, and even though it was late in the migration season, there were still daily whale sightings and we had high hopes of seeing some cool stuff. look at everyone, all excited for our trip: everything […]
the rambling road show
new gramma visits california beaches.

my mom had big plans to come visit us in june in yosemite national park. but, when western new york winter lingered on and on and on, she looked into changing her flight to come see us while we were on the california coast. she joined us while we were at thornhill broome and then […]
channel islands visitor center.

so. the story goes, that anna and i had a trip booked to camp on anacapa islands in the channel islands national park. but, just before we were set to go, we chickened out. an earthquake. no shelter from sun. aggressive birds. no internet. no escape until our ferry came back. winds. low temps at […]
ronald reagan presidential library.

at each new location, we do a lot of research about things to do in the area, and then we plan accordingly, timing the things derek wants to do on the weekends and the things he’s less interested in for our weekday activities. while we were at thornhill broome, the top item on his agenda […]
leo carrillo sea cave excursion

thornill broome campground is only about 10 minutes north of a spot we previously stayed in, leo carrillo state beach. after anna, hazel and i discovered some great sea caves at low tide on our last day there, we knew that we needed to go on another visit to explore them while we were at […]
thornhill broome campground happenings.

once again, after weeks of exciting adventures, and not so great internet, i find myself waaaay behind in blogging. at our current spot, we have decent internet, the weather isn’t great, and there’s not a ton of stuff to do in the immediate vicinity, so hopefully, i can catch up completely while we inhabit this […]
soledad canyon happenings.

after our two weeks at california state beaches with no hookups, we headed inland for a break at soldedad canyon thousand trails rv park, to clean, do laundry, recover, do some rv upgrades, and so on. as always, when we find ourselves in less exciting places, we try to have a bit of routine with […]
adventures in los angeles

we aren’t superfans of big cities. at least i’m not. i mean. the history and architecture is often pretty cool. and there’s usually so many great places to eat. and museums. but the people. and the traffic. ugh. after our two beach weeks with no hookups, we moved a bit inland to a thousand trails […]
leo carrillo state beach.

beach number two on our california state beach tour was leo carrillo in malibu (which meant we got to do a bit of l.a. traffic driving on our way north). we got in pretty late, and got set up, and then derek had to pack for a morning flight back to north carolina for the […]
san elijo state beach.

after wilderness lakes, it was finally time to kick off our long stretch of california state beaches. derek booked us at four different beaches for five out of seven weeks in march and april. the first one up was san elijo, a little bit north of san diego, near encinitas, california. our campground was up […]