because i am not. these will be the last two coneflower themed projects for a bit. but i make no promises for next spring or so. i lied. i make a promise. there’s more coming in spring. 🙂 anyways. i wanted to make an epic bday gift for my pal heather’s birthday. so, i stealthily […]
spiky rainbowy stars quilt. (stara).

one day, i was just minding my own business at work, when teresa (boss/owner) informed us that a new collection had arrived and we needed to cut fat quarter bundles from it. well, that new collection was glaze, by libs eliot and with each and every fat quarter i sliced and folded, my love grew […]
fall break recharge.

so, these days, community college operates on 8-week mini-semesters. i sort of got an explanation about why things are trending that way from derek’s sister who teaches at forsyth tech, but i’m not sure i agree with the reasoning. it’s pretty intense to cram an entire class into 8 weeks, and i definitely felt like […]
seppy temby. twenty twenty foury.

september was quite busy with life stuff. we managed to sneak away for the trip to see vance joy, but mostly we were settling another school year, with all new routines. let’s kick things off with a discussion about this guy. it’s his senior year, so we are navigating all of the stuff that comes […]
a brief visit to dc and baltimore.

originally, after purchasing tickets to see vance joy in columbia, maryland, we planned to make a long weekend out of it and do a proper tour of DC. but, i was a little overwhelmed with my classes, so we kept it short and sweet, driving up on the day of the concert, seeing some sites […]
vance joy. round two.

as you may or may not know. we are huge fans of vance joy. we fell in love with him when we lived on the road. i can even remember where we were during the time when we discovered his music. hazel, only three at the time, knew all the lyrics to several songs, and […]
labor day hanging rock hike.

i managed to drag two of the other four members of my immediate nuclear family out to hanging rock on a beautiful (slightly warm) labor day for a little hike up to moore’s knob. (we actually made the decision to do the lesser traveled moore’s knob trail instead of hiking to hanging hanging rock when, […]
v. uneventful august.

if it seemed like the summer was whirlwind, stuffed full of vacations and adventures, you’re not mistaken. it was made even more hectic, because the school calendar was moved forward by about two weeks this year, so the kiddos were back at it in early august. not crazy about it, but come next may, we […]
in my coneflower block era.

all the way back in spring, i became mildly obsessed with an fpp coneflower block that i happened upon whilst perusing instagram. originally, i only had plans to use it for some totes i made for hazel’s teachers. but i then i just kept going and made a few gifts for my quilty friends in […]
hey boo.

in july, our halloween and christmas fabric started rolling into the shop. everytime i worked, i was staring straight at this cute new moda line of halloween fabrics called “hey boo”. it was completely different from all of my other halloween fabrics and after ogling it for a couple weeks, on one slow afternoon, i […]