we arrrived home in ws/nc, from our slightly too long michigan trip, on july third. just in time for the dog days of summer. after spending all of june complaining about not bringing enough cold weather clothes and bundling up for all of our excursions, you’d think we wouldn’t complain, but man, it was hot. […]
summer beach trip. last days.

alrighty. time to wrap this thing up. when anna and derek returned from their fishing trip, we still had a whole afternoon to kill. as you may have heard, two thirds of the kids were very much over the beach. we decided it would be a good time to do some shopping and sight seeing. […]
summer beach trip. anna and derek go fishing.

ok. so, just like derek always plans a day for me to go for an epic side quest hike or adventure when we are on trips more conducive to such activities, when we are near large bodies of water, derek plans an epic side quest fishing trip (epic for him, not me). on this trip, […]
summer beach trip. more beachy days.

after a day off of basking in the hot summer north carolina sun, the kids were game for driving to the point of oak island and taking a little sunset walk. we took lots of purple-y pics. ruby loved the more calm waters and the weird sand embankment. we met a crusty crab. and looked […]
summer beach trip. the aquarium, etc.

while i would be happy just chilling at the beach with a book for the entirety of our vacation, it turns out that kids seem to need more activities. which likely explains all the minigolf and aquariums and such. my boss/friend teresa’s fam has a home at oak island and gave me a hot tip […]
summer beach trip. first days.

i’m not gonna lie. after our michigan trip, i wasn’t super excited to load us all back up in the car for another family vacation. but this one was a much shorter commute and would hopefully be a bit more laid back. you know. beaches and all. so we loaded up the posse, including ruby […]
national park quilt #2: everglades for derek

i feel like i’ve told this tale before, but i’ll recap. when we came off the road a few years back, derek purchased me an obscene amount of national park prints and panels. panels aren’t my favorite to sew with, but i’m making a (minimal) effort. i made this arches themed quilt for ike a […]
pink florals…

back to cakery. as soon as we returned from our summer trip, i had an order for a floral cake for the birthday and cancer remission celebration for a family member of anna’s best pal. we opted for chocolate cake with pink florals to represent said cancer and it’s demolishment. pretty happy with this one. […]
down the final stretch…

after madison, we really had nothing to do but make our way across the country to home. of course, we found a few little stops along the way, but it was mostly a ton of driving. by derek. our route took us to an old familiar city that i really had never expected to see […]
madison, wisconsin.

a few years back, on our epic last hurrah summer road trip, we camped so so close to madison, wisconsin. but, the timing of our travels and plans and reservations didn’t leave us any time to actually explore the city. this time, though, we made it happen. but first. on our way into town. a […]