one of my favorite co-workers at the quilt shop is cynthia. she’s a former school teacher and like a grandma to everyone she meets. when her daughter catherine reached out to ask if i would make a cake for cynthia and her husbands surprise fiftieth anniversary party, of course i said yes. catherine gave me […]
carebears cake for my friend amanda.

my boss and the owner of sewingly yours has a daughter, amanda, who has special needs. amanda’s grandma used to make all of the family birthday cakes, but had some recent health issues and wasn’t able to make amanda’s cake this year. so, amanda recruited me, started about three months before her birthday. 🙂 she […]
adventure by day. crafts by night.

during their stay in winston-salem, jenn and brandy came over several nights, and we participated in all manner of crafting, a favorite activity of the jackson and lidbom girls. more than once, we busted out the paints and glitter and stickers to make cool boxes and treasure chests and other random wooden things procured from […]
hanging rock with jenn and brandy.

really the only thing left on the “cool things to do in winston-salem” checklist when brandy had a day off was hanging rock state park. so. that’s what we did.we decided on the namesake hanging rock trail, which had changed routes since our last visit, adding about a mile round trip. the day was 100% […]
winston salem tour guide.

while brandy toiled away, earning a living to provide for her wife and the glamorous road life, i showed jenn around town. we pretty much knocked out all of the cool winston salem things in two days. first up, obviously, was old salem. except it was a monday, so most things were closed. but we […]
presents for our visitors.

during our time living in the rv on the road, we met so many awesome people who became lifelong friends. when we were in palm desert, california, we ended up in the same campground with jenn and brandy jackson, who were only cyberspace instagram friends up until that moment. we immediately hit it off, and […]
snowy spring break and the eclipse that wasn’t.

just after the dust settled from hosting easter in north carolina, we packed up and made our way north to spend spring break in beautiful, sunny, western new york. i used the road trip time to finish reading “the anxious generation” by jonathan haidt and it’s a must read for any parent navigating screens and […]
march stuff. (mostly easter themed).

and now, for my march wrap up. hazel continued her taekwondo journey. she loved it. and loved master c. as the weather got nicer, i began walking at the park more frequently. not sure why i felt the need to document this, but march pics are sort of lean so this is what my content […]
easter confections (and eggs).

easter was early this year. so all of the festivities took place in march. first up, i managed to snack the “sweet treat” check box for hazel’s spring fling class party. (those other moms are quick on the trigger, so it’s actually quite hard to get a spot, much less the coveted sweet treat spot). […]
a quilt for my college roomie

for the last 15-ish years, my college roommate and basketball teammate and her family have lived just down the road in greensboro. you would think this would mean we got together all the time, but alas, sadly, we didn’t make the most of this opportunity. then. her husband got his dream job, in nyc, and […]