may has come and gone, so here’s the monthly update of happenings in lidkid land that don’t require a full blog post. here we go. (warning. this one is all over the place and weird and maybe boring).
first of all. derek has continued to work on our deck, when the weather and his time off from his actual job cooperate. we still need stairs, but the main platform is complete and we are already enjoying it as is.

hazel’s school year ended in a flurry of projects and field days and class parties. one such event was the end of the economics unit “class store”. she made over perler bead keychains to sell (for fake money) in her class, while the other third grade classes took turns shopping. she sold all of her keychains (except the ones she held back to trade with her own class later, haha) and even ended up raising her prices, due to supply and demand. she was quite proud of herself. she also came home with her own back of crap that she bought with her fake money from the other classes. lots of cookies, candy, sugary drinks, and pencils.

it’s been a little bit of a struggle to drag ourselves across the finish line for school. mornings are harder. and important dates (like spring picture day) have been neglected.

with the two teenagers often sequestered in their rooms, hazel and i (and ruby) are often left hanging out together. we are slowly allowing ourselves to get excited for the bills again, after a disappointing end to last season left us devastated. and. a karaoke microphone has made it’s way into our lives and there’s a LOT of auto-tune serenading taking place.

let’s see here. we celebrated the graduation of my nephew, caison. (youll notice anna’s cookie cakes in the first pic). i’m not sure how this is real life, but it is. also managed a family photo, which are few and far between these days.

let’s talk about teen girls. specifically. they are gross. and i’ve given up. it’s not a battle i’m willing to fight. i’ve made a few rules for sanitary purposes. but if anna wants to live in squalor, i’m letting it go. but. i will be documenting it. just in case there’s any documentary filmmakers looking for the next subject for a future episode of hoarders. please expect a monthly update.

my “health journey” continues to progress. i refuse to call it a diet, because the goal is a lifestyle change, right? i’m still lifting. cardio-ing. eating as little ultra processed stuff as i can. eggs. meat. veggies.

i still work at the fabric shop. i mean. i go there and perform tasks. and they pay me. and i spend said pay on fabric. so. its really more an indentured servitude type situation.

i guess sort of some big news from may of 2023 is that derek and i reached our 20th anniversary milestone. we didn’t really celebrate it much on/near the actual date because we have a big fat epic trip to iceland planned in august. we did go out to dinner after a day of shopping at REI to prepare for the (possibly rainy probably cold) excursion.

and that mostly brings me to the end of the cohesive-ish parts of may. now here’s some random other stuff, captioned on the photos because i’m lazy.

and lastly, the required ruby pics to end the post.

and. that’s all for may.