Every year, at Christmas, someone (or everyone) gets sick. One year, Jake had the flu pretty bad and gave it to me, just before we left to come home. Julie gets sick a lot.And this year, I’m fighting an unfun cold and cough.I wouldn’t normally complain, because I could douse it out at night with […]
and then Christmas was over….
It’s the day after Christmas.Derek is back to work. I just cleaned up the Christmas mess.Christmas seemed pretty unChristmas-y yesterday. It was just me and Derek.We just hung around the house (except for a trip to Chinese dinner).Derek worked in his shop. I ripped cds to my computer.I’m tired. Tired from being pregnant and fat.Tired […]
Christmas Eve Day
It doesn’t feel very Christmas-y this year. It’s like 70 degrees outside. There’s no family around.Just me and Derek. And Lucy. And the unborn baby Isaac Newton.We’re getting ready for church. And then we’ll be just hanging around like any normal day. It’s a little sad. But, it will be very relaxing. And I’ll get […]
Christmas Vacation!!
Today marks the first day of Christmas Vacation. (Winter break, to be politically correct). Whatever. I’m off of school until January 2nd and that’s pretty sweet. We finally did move on Wednesday. It was MADNESS. There were random kids roaming everywhere. We moved my entire trailer in about 20 minutes. Twenty-eight eager (to not do […]
texas hold ’em
derek’s company christmas party was last night. we went out to eat with some of his coworkers and wives at carraba’a first. i had mushroom ravioli. it was delicious. and like 50 waters. then the party was at a fancy pants country club. when we got there, we received 10,000 chips to gamble with. there […]
we need a little christmas
but not quite this very minute. there’s a radio station that is already 100% dedicated to christmas music.i don’t know when it started, but i first heard it yesterday. november 5th, that is.that is WAY too early to have christmas music. now, don’t get me wrong. i love christmas and the music and the memories. […]
Some Updates
In recent news: Our hoops team is 8-2. We play tomorrow night against an atrocious team, so we should (barring a complete meltdown) go to 9-2. Wednesday, we play Lexington, where I started my teaching career. And then suspended it a few weeks later. I got two A’s in my two classes. It’s official. We […]
We’re Baaa-aaack!!!
Back in Winston-Salem. Aaaahhh…. We came home yesterday, from our week long adventure in blustery Western New York. The trip was wonderful. For Christmas I got: socks a violin a board game two (2) pairs of slippers a bunch of fun dip vanilla bean noel body spray (the only one i was missing from my […]
Christmas Eve
It’s Christmas Eve. We’re in Batavia, NY. It’s bitter cold. I have consumed a great amount of delectable Christmas treats. I feel disgusting. We are now just awaiting family to arrive to have our Christmas Eve celebration and our Christmas Morning Gift Unwrapping Extravaganza (FREE FOR ALL). There’s no waiting turns or patient watching while […]
Heading Home
We are leaving today to head to NY for Christmas. I can’t wait. Real snow and cold. Christmas excitement the way I remember from being a kid. Even though it’s not quite the same these days.We’re taking the truck so we don’t get stuck.