we arrrived home in ws/nc, from our slightly too long michigan trip, on july third. just in time for the dog days of summer. after spending all of june complaining about not bringing enough cold weather clothes and bundling up for all of our excursions, you’d think we wouldn’t complain, but man, it was hot. […]
july 4th
july things.

as i look at the photos from july, i am realizing it was pretty uneventful, outside of our trip to the beach. so, this will be quick. i promise. firstly. there was the fourth of july. my pal stephanie has neighbors who hail from the great city of buffalo (or, well, like me, near buffalo). […]
glacier. iceberg lake with anna.the last hurrah.

on our very last day at glacier national park, anna and i ditched the rest of the lidkids and drove back up to the many glacier part of the park, to hike to iceberg lake. we had a couple of different hikes in mind, but grinnell glacier wasn’t fully open and the highline trail presented […]
monthly non-adventure post, july edition.

another month of pandemic life has come and gone. things are still sort of opened, but now cases are back on the increase, so no one knows what to make of anything anymore. it’s madness. but somehow, the month still managed to fly by, maybe because we are used to it at this point. all […]
last minute july fourth cupcakes.

due to pandemics, we didn’t have any extravagant fourth of july plans. we mostly laid low. ate a bunch of junk. and at the last minute, anna and i decided that a batch of not quite red, white, and blue cupcakes were in order. we looked up a few ideas on pinterest and instagram and […]

here we go. another mad dash round of bloggy catch up. when i left off, had stopped to visit the jelly belly factory on our way from point reyes national seashore to a little spot just north of sacramento, in nicolaus, california. the place was a thousand trails campground, which usually means there’s not much […]
back to blah-tavia.

as previously mentioned, we made one last visit to batavia, this time to meet up with derek’s parents who were going to stay with at my mom’s house for their first ever vacation to batavia. we arrived a day early, to settle in and relax before the chaos began. a lovely breakfast at miss batavia […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 3. the july fourth edition.

we had a lazy day with eliot and my mom off on friday. i think. because there’s no pictures except for a handful from the beach. like this. and this. and some kayaking. and that’s pretty much it for friday. saturday was the fourth of july. again, i have no pictures to help me piece […]
july the fourth

as per our usual, we hosted a bit of a fourth of july get together for some of our pals, before the fireworks lit up our little town… martha and bud (sam, jr.)… sam, sr. is in the armed forces and is currently overseas. so, really, this party was for him. 🙂 the slip ‘n […]
july 4th garb

since we live fairly close to the coolest fireworks show in town, we have had a party with a few of our closest friends each of the last few years. this year was no exception. well, it was an exception, because “a few” turned into “50” and the outdoor cookout was rained out and we […]