we arrrived home in ws/nc, from our slightly too long michigan trip, on july third. just in time for the dog days of summer. after spending all of june complaining about not bringing enough cold weather clothes and bundling up for all of our excursions, you’d think we wouldn’t complain, but man, it was hot. […]
up to the u.p.

for those unfamiliar with the geography of michigan, most of it is the big mitten shaped bit, north of indiana, tucked between three great lakes. that’s where all of our first few michigan excursions took place. but. the main destination of our trip was the upper peninsula, commonly known as the U.P., and that is […]
spring break 2023…

for spring break this year, we packed up and headed to an airbnb, in the wilderness of the nantahala national forest, on the tippy western end of north carolina. as the children grow, so does the volume of our “luggage” (reusable shopping bags, mostly), making packing the back of the subaru feel like the most […]
other december happenings, including christmas.

and now, for my standard monthly recap, minus the things that were exciting enough (or i had too many picture of) to have their own posts (hazel’s cake, her birthday, christmas baking, and a quilt). turns out, there’s still a lot to talk about. firstly, anna decided to try out for her middle school basketball […]
cleveland rocks! (but mostly because of “a christmas story”)

after our time in batavia, we headed west, all the way to erie, pennsylvania (whomp whomp), where we spent the night to be closer to cleveland, where we had mid morning plans. we planned to stay at a walmart, but when we arrived and noticed no other rvs, we inquired within and learned that this […]
long september. pandemic month seven.

our september was verrrrry uneventful. no trips. no adventures. just regular life. well. regular-ish. you know. because we are still in coranavirus covid quarantine pandemic lockdown. school has continued to be more of a “just keep up with math and wordly wise and listen to me do one chapter of a read aloud and then […]
just july things…

i lied. as with june, there wasn’t a lot going on around here in july. i mean. we went on a hike. and my parents came. but mostly. it was more of the same. i suppose i should get used to it. to kick things off, ill cover the less exciting bits of the not […]
boring june, 2019

well. nothing exciting happened in june. so. here’s my list of less than exciting things that happened. i’ll kick things off with the random things around the house happenings. now that we were in a house, anna is hoping to up her sewing game. we scored a used version of the same machine i sew […]
batavia, new york christmas. 2018.

since we were back on the east coast for the holidays, and derek’s family was all departing for different locations, we decided we would take this mess up north, to spend christmas with my family in western new york. so, on the friday evening before christmas, we packed up the camper and dropped it off […]
heber city chronicles.

when i left off, i had just taken the kids on a little side trip to great basin national park. while we were having adventures, and driving to and from that park, derek moved along down the highway to the nevada border, which is where we met up with him for a night. the town […]