On our way to the mountains for a weekend getaway with the Barriers and the Lambeths. I’m riding in the cramped unstowed away 3rd row, so I can easily tend to the girlie. Top view of the boy and his new buzz lightyear game:side view:happy girl:antisocial tween brother:
crazy new york trip (long version)
on thursday january 21st, isaac and i embarked on a trip to batavia, new york, 14020. little did we know the fate that awaited us… the trip up:we had planned to leave on friday, but the local forecast didn’t look too hot for the morning, so we decided to get on the road thursday night […]
fall batavia trip…
isaac and i (and the brand new sweet ride) took a spontaneous trip to lovely and autumny western ny last tuesday. here’s proof: watering the flowers: jake and baby eliot: me and isaac riding the train at the strong museum: isaac playing with BIG legos at strong: isaac and new gramma at 123 sesame street: […]
Day 4… boring
no pictures from day four. nothing was very picture worthy. we headed to blowing rock for a bit of shopping. it was pretty lame, so we ate at mellow mushroom and headed to the tanger outlets. i scored some fun stuff for the boy at the osh kosh store. derek got some kitchen stuff at […]
Day 3 – Official Roan Mountain Post
Yesterday, we took the advice of the Duncan family, and headed off to Roan Mountain on the border of NC and Tennessee. We hiked around (hiking, pleading with isaac, cleaned up an accident, sat at the top of the mountain, climbed big rocks, ate candy) for a few hours. The boy is a trooper. And […]
Day 2 – Tweetsie…
Yesterday, we began calling around a bit, to find out hours, prices, etcetera, for some of our potential stops. Upon calling tweetsie, we learned that they were now only open on the weekend (since school starts tuesday – makes sense). Anyhow, thankful that we called, we loaded up our little train junkie and headed out. […]
Mountain Vacation – Days 0 and 1.
We made it to the mountains on Friday evening with little fan fair. fan fare? whatever. we’re here. On friday night, we unloaded, made a grocery run and headed down to the lake to feed the ducks and take a paddle boat ride. The duck pictures were a bit blurry and without faces, due to […]
we’ll be comin’ ’round the mountain….
the day is finally upon us… tomorrow, derek and isaac and i will depart for the mountains for a much needed vacation. isaac is excited because all he knows about the mountains is that thomas the train was there last time. i think he might be disappointed, but i’m hoping that tweetsie will suffice. derek […]