i’m trying to cram this post in quickly before i head to bed. after a restless night of being eaten alive by mosquitos, i awakened, fed the lidkids breakfast and we headed off to austin park, once home to the dirtiest, diseasiest wading pool in america. or maybe batavia. and i can proudly say, i […]
derek’s last day in town

we put derek on a plane back to winston-salem today. well, greensboro. by way of washington, dc. which is where he is right now, because his flight keeps getting delayed. poor fellow. we had a pretty low key morning, while derek spent his last hours with the lid kids before his departure. we began by […]
lazy sunday in the 14020

the plan is, derek helped us drive up on saturday. (and by “helped”, i mean “did most of the driving”). today (monday), he’s flying back to lovable winston. we will remain behind, hang out, etcetera, until a future date and time, in which i will enlist the assistance of jake paine (my brother) for the […]
on the road again

once again, we packed up all of the lidkid essentials and made our way up I-77, I-79 and I-90 to batavia, ny 14020. the weather was great, the ride was uneventful and the kids traveled very nicely…. despite pretending she was sleepy for the entire ride, anna really only slept about 25 minutes ALL DAY […]
comin’ ’round the mountain…
derek’s parents have a time share in blowing rock nc. last week was their week. we are bored and tired of the same old same old. so on tuesday, we visited. i got us all packed up and when the two lid kids awakened from their beauty sleep, we hit the road. the trip up […]
strong museum pics
as promised, here is the link to the picasa album with all the pics from the strong museum of play that we visited whilst in western new york… strong museum pics
Batavia NY Autumn Trip – Baths

the night before we left, i determined that both lid kids were in desperate need of a good bathing. my parents only have a (very small) shower at their house, so i loaded them up, one at a time, in the sink. isaac is not new to the grandma’s sink bath… but, i do think […]
Batavia NY Autumn Trip – The Travels

on october the first, derek and i packed up the little rav4 full of babies, grownups and a whole lot of clothes, toys, electronics and baby equipment. here are some pics i snapped during the road trips. happy girl: the gift shop at the rest stop in new york. it makes me laugh because we […]
blue ridge village, round 4.
last friday, we headed out for our annual trip to banner elk, north carolina, for a little downtime in the mountains. it was a lot different this time, thanks to a little 13.5 lb addition. we didn’t get out adventuring too much and it got a little boring more quickly than i had anticipated. we […]
mountain weekend
we jetted off to beech mountain in banner elk, nc this weekend to spend time with the lambeths and barriers at the (elder) barriers’ sweet mountain home. it was anna’s first big adventure. she did great, as long as i was holding her (naps, at night, during dinners out, etcetera). we went up a little […]