you guys. i actually finished a quilt. so. let me tell you the story. i really absolutely love every single collection that sarah jane fabric designs. you might remember these two quilts made from her wee wander collection. well, when she released her “magic” line, i preordered it, knowing full well that i live on […]
making stuff with needles and thread
sewing spree.

i already posted about finishing up my carkai hexie roadshow quilt, but i also did a ton of other sewing while we stayed at the grandlibom’s residence. firstly, i managed to get hooked on making these ugly christmas sweater blocks, after seeing them on instagram. they took about an hour each, so i only eeked […]
the great hexie quilt of 2016.

before we left for the first leg of the lidbom rambling road show, i purchased a bundle of carkai by carolyn friedlander. i determined that it was my christmas present, and i had no idea what my plan was, since i wasn’t going to be taking my sewing machine on the trip. but i loved […]
a winter time finish
before there was any talk of epic road trips, i had made plans with derek’s mom to make her a winter quilt after i successfully completed holiday sewing. she ordered a bunch of fabric and found a quilt they both liked and i got to work… this sucker is from a quilt kit and line […]
some christmas sewing…
i have managed to eek out a few christmas sewing projects this year. barely. some placemats for derek’s mom. i scored the fabric on clearnce, last year after christmas, with her in mind. then, i forgot all about it. until i pulled out my christmas fabrics and it was all staring back at me. some […]
a quilt for CA.

at some point in november, i finished up a little patchwork quilt for my friend allison’s daughter. i think she’s planning to give it to her as a christmas gift. i don’t have much to say about it. it’s patchwork. it’s girly. i hid a few little surprises in the fabric choices, like a frozen […]
tinsel christmas quilt.

a LONG time ago, i bought a stack of cotton+steel tinsel fabric with great plans for christmas sewing. and then recently, i finished up this sucker: i was missing a few pieces and so it took me awhile to get started. once i secured all of the missing prints, i delayed on choosing a pattern […]
rainbow cascading wonky star quilt.

a super quick post about a recent quilting finish. awhile back, my friend danii asked (begged) for a quilt. i finally gave in and after some discussion settled on sticking with my guns and going for a rainbow wonky star cascade on a gray background. i started this sucker a way way way long time […]
two baby quilts.

i have two quilts to tell you about today… the first, was for our friends, the browns. i used to babysit their two daughters for a bit before hazel was born. they are also from western new york (and have since returned to buffalo and abandoned me in the south, but i’m not bitter). anyhow. […]
feather quilt

once upon a time, i bought a quarter yard bundle of field study. i made a big patchwork quilt with some of it. and the rest sat and sat. then, i had a baby and all things quilty were on hold. then, one day, last february, i emerged from the newborn fog and began to […]