in the middle of our delightful week with full hookups at an actual campground in an actual city, derek had to take a huge 48 hour test for work. we decided the best course of action, to give him peace and quiet, was for the me and the lidkids to find somewhere else to be […]
the rambling road show
arches national park.fiery furnace hike.

when we were first researching arches national park, i read about the fiery furnace hike, which can only be done with a permit or on a ranger led tour, and i knew i had to do it. it’s basically a giant playground of canyons, crevices, fins, arches and scrambles. there’s no mapped trails, so it’s […]
arches national park.delicate arch hike

delicate arch is the most recognizable of all of the arches in arches national park. it’s on the utah license plate. it is in half of the logos of businesses in moab. we had already visited the viewpoint, but we were saving the hike to get up close and personal for a day when derek […]
canyonlands. mesa arch.

after a bunch of trips to arches, we spent the friday of our first week in moab taking a trip out to canyonlands. we didn’t really have a game plan except to get out of the camper, pick up junior ranger books, get some information about the park, and figure out one small hike. after […]
arches national park.double, delicate, sand dunes.

we have had a pretty great week. after our visit to goblin valley state park, we decided that our location was pretty much the worst, so we packed up to move closer to moab, which was our next spot. this gave us nearly another full week, making almost 4 weeks in the area, so even […]
goblin valley state park.

between salt lake city and moab, we found ourselves camping on a bit of BLM land mostly in the middle of nowhere. the closest thing for us to do (unless you count gas stations) was goblin valley state park. so, on sunday, we picked up subway lunches (from said gas station) and made our way […]
boise and salt lake city miscellany.

our down time in boise and salt lake city was pretty uneventful, so i’m crammimg all of the uneventfulness into one blog post. firstly. boise. we had high hopes of a lot of adventures. we did manage to hit up the capitol, the old penitentiary, and the science center. but, then a crazy amount of […]
antelope island with some fave friends.

we have been extra excited about our time in salt lake city, because we had coordinated with a fellow fulltime traveling family to meet up for a day. we met them in florida on our “trial run” and then ran into them again, in january, also in florida. we follow each others adventures and check […]
a very educational salt lake city day.

on our first visit to salt lake city a few month ago, derek was out of town for the week, and we were a good 50 minutes away from anything cool in the city. this time around, i had a long list of things i wanted to check out. first on the list, was a […]
golden spike national historic site.

on our travel day from craters of the moon to salt lake city, we found ourselves very far ahead of derek. we decided this was a good opportunity to take a detour to the golden spike national historic site. we had investigated it during our last trip to salt lake city, but it was a […]