once again, i find myself a wee bit behind in the bloggy part of my life. about a week ago, we left our parking lot accomodations, neighboring the airport in boise idaho, to head for craters of the moon national monument. upon arrival, our first order of business was to get some info and pick […]
the rambling road show
discovery center of idaho

i had big plans for our time in boise. but then, all the wildfire smoke wafted over us. so we have to pretty much find indoor things. so, no swimming in a lake. or zoo. or hikes. but, the local science museum was still a go. (and free, thanks to our science museum reciprocal membership!!). […]
old idaho penitentiary

since monday was labor day, derek was off, so we decided to go on a field trip. after a bit of research, we settled on the old idaho penitentiary. it operated from 1872 until 1973 and is chock full of exciting stories and history. 😉 we really had no idea what to expect, but i […]
idaho arrival day.

we have actually passed through idaho a couple of times already. once on our way from salt lake city to yellowstone. then from glacier to eastern washington. but after our quick stop in baker city, we were on our way for a week long visit to the potato state. our reservations in boise didn’t start […]
oregon trail interpretive center.baker city, or.

after our month in washington, our next stop, while brief, was baker city, oregon. we got in late friday night, after a LONG and BORING five-ish hour drive. we grabbed some groceries and then settled into a truck stop to boondock for the night. in the morning, we started off with a hearty breakfast at […]
quincy, washington.

like our previous two weeks in newport, washington, our time in quincy was pretty low key and chill. we took this little four week detour to give southern utah a bit of time to cool off before we make our way down. and the two campgrounds were in our thousand trail network, making them free […]
lazy days in newport, washington.

after our very amazing and fast paced month in yellowstone, grand tetons and glacier national park, we made our way into eastern washington, for a decidedly less exciting leg of our trip. we are basically just killing some time, allowing south utah to cool off a bit before we return to visit a ton of […]
glacier national park.random week 2 miscellany.

other than the two hikes in my previous two blog posts, our second week in glacier was pretty low key. i even debated whether or not to post about it. but there were a few tales to be told and good pictures to go along with them… i spent a lot of time hanging out […]
glacier national park.st. mary falls hike.

on our last day at glacier, we debated several options: 1. leave early. 2. i go on another long alone hike. 3. go on a family hike. in the end, we decided to go on a family hike. there weren’t many options left. the last one on our list was an out and back at […]
glacier national park.iceberg lake hike.

so here’s the thing about glacier national park. there’s one road through. so, there are a handful of smaller, kid friendly types of hikes. and the rest are a bit longer. and also, more likely to be visited by bears. so if i wanted to do one, it would have to be sans lid kids. […]