well. you would think a post about april would be super short, considering we spent the first week on spring break, and all of that was detailed in previous posts. but, alas, sometimes when there’s not much excitement going on, these miscellaneous monthly posts get a lot more attention. or so it is in this […]
february and all of it’s non essential happenings.
february came and went without too much fanfare requiring a separate post. i had a cake that almost ended me. and an epic hike with a good girl. and i made a teddy bear. and, as you’ll see in this post, there really wasn’t much else going on in february at all. anna hasn’t really […]
ok. so here’s the stuff that happened in january, excluding spontaneous trips to western new york to watch the bills playoff game vs. the dolphins, isaac’s 16th birthday festivities, and the one cake i made. spoiler alert. the rest is sort of boring. but here goes. lets begin with some happenings while i was away […]
miscellany in novembery.
november is my favorite. maybe because i have a birthday right in the middle. but also because the weather is cooling off. thanksgiving is fun. and christmas is right around the corner. here’s what was happening this november, when i wasn’t quilting, making cakes, or visiting western new york… in very exciting home improvement and […]
boring old august.
aside from our 10 day trip to western new york, august was pretty uneventful. leading up to the trip, we were getting ready for it. and when we got back, we moved into back to school mode. nothing very exciting, so proceed at your own risk (of boredom). firstly, in baking related news, anna has […]
july things.
as i look at the photos from july, i am realizing it was pretty uneventful, outside of our trip to the beach. so, this will be quick. i promise. firstly. there was the fourth of july. my pal stephanie has neighbors who hail from the great city of buffalo (or, well, like me, near buffalo). […]
the semi-miscellany of june.
this june was a pretty good one. we had an epic last hurrah in the rv in west virginia (previously posted). and we took an inaugural camping trip with our new fancy tent and gear to hanging rock (future post). but here’s all the other fun stuff that happened in june. well. and not so […]
theannababy is twelve.
seems impossible, but i double checked the dates, and it turns out, the annababy turned twelve this month. her actual birthday fell on mother’s day, and i spent a good amount of time harassing her about it and reminding her that someday when she has kids, she will get combined birthday/mothers day gifts, so the […]
a chicken cake for a chicken whisperer.
it’s no secret that theannababy loves chickens. so, obvioiusly, for her 12th birthday, she requested a chicken cake. we researched the internet and gained much inspiration and decided that we (by we i mean i) would make several fondant chicken figurines and accessories, to adorn the top of a yard-ish themed cake.so, early in the […]
april. 2022.
i’ve spent a lot of time trying to organize these photos into some sort of grouping that makes sense, but also accounts for the dimensions, orientation, and quality of the photos. but, april was such a strange month, fully of visits and cakes and such, so the random leftovers of april are just that, very […]