when we decided to settle, it was our hope that we would still be able to travel a bit. so, after two months in the house, we packed up the rv to take a long weekend adventure just down the road, at great smoky mountain national park. it was very different getting ready for this […]
the final week of the trial run.
we are home now. we got home last saturday. it took a few days to actually unload everything, which includes this computer. so, i have a wee bit of catching up to do. but, since our last week was relatively uneventful, i can wrap it up in two posts. this is the everyday life post. […]
a boring august recap.
the second half of summer flew past in a flash. i hit up some consignment sales for clothes for the annababy, who can still squeeze into 4t clothes, but they are quite short. i took her with me, and wound up purchasing a darth vader costume, which she insisted on wearing everywhere, much to the amusement […]
june. (seriously belated).
so. we were at the beach and then in new york for a good part of june, so i thought i didn’t have a ton of stuff to post about. but, i still managed to rustle up 24 pictures from random june happenings…. like this picture of my delicious (and organized) breakfast. picture one of […]
may. a belated post.
it’s been a bit crazy around here for the last little bit. (end of school, new computer and i’m playing a giant game of bloggy catchup. we head to the beach saturday, and i will obviously have about 40 things to blog about that, so hopefully i’ll be all caught up before then. first up. […]
the april post.
ugh. i started this post on may 1. but it’s been a bit crazy around here with projects and school parties and anna’s birthday!!! (that post to come. soon. maybe.) anyhow. rewind about 40 days and that’s where this post begings. park day with friends. anna, swinging with her bff, natalie. the crazel. hazel and […]
a chicken tale.
so. when i was writing my post for march, i intentionally left out all of our baby chick pics, deciding that a dedicated baby chicken post was in order. at the time, it was going to be a delightful tale, with future volumes. such is not the case. i’ll start from the beginning. we are […]
belated (mostly instagrams) march post.
beware: this post contains 45 pictures from the lid kid month of march. we kicked off march with derek and isaac heading out of town to a wedding, so i just had the girls. which meant anna watched a lot of frozen and slept in the bed with me and dressed like a princess and […]
october happenings.
another very random post of very unexciting happenings… chick fil a visit. this goon. we are in the “get into boxes and baskets” stage. isaac had his school fundraiser. the boosterthon fun run. some halloween themed sugary cereals. throwback to my childhood. school picture day. handsome ike agreed to don a tie. this baby. barely […]
august miscellaneousness.
june and july rolled by fast. and then. it was august. and there were beach preparations. and school preparations. and, well, without further ado, here’s 25 pictures from auguest. anna picked out this fantastic light up backpack for school. park playdate. before the friends arrived. a moment of getting along. this girl can stand. from […]