october happenings.

another very random post of very unexciting happenings… chick fil a visit. this goon. we are in the “get into boxes and baskets” stage. isaac had his school fundraiser. the boosterthon fun run. some halloween themed sugary cereals. throwback to my childhood. school picture day. handsome ike agreed to don a tie. this baby. barely […]

august miscellaneousness.

june and july rolled by fast. and then. it was august. and there were beach preparations. and school preparations. and, well, without further ado, here’s 25 pictures from auguest. anna picked out this fantastic light up backpack for school. park playdate. before the friends arrived. a moment of getting along. this girl can stand. from […]

snow day!!!!!!!

like the rest of the united states of america, we are experiencing some super wintry weather around these parts. yesterday, the kids were sent home early, because of the pending snow “storm”. it did snow. and it was very cold. and the kids checked every few minutes to see if enough snow had accumulated to […]