if you’re reading these in real time as i publish them, i’m skipping to day four of our trip because we are still waiting on the professional photos of day three (white water rafting with anna). if not, ignore this disclaimer and maybe i’ll even take it down once i make the day three post. […]
STL non-arch themed happenings.(us grant, farmers market, city museum).

our last day in st. louis was a saturday, so derek was able to join us as we crammed in as much as we possibly could. (he took a lot of days off for the big things, but usually had to work while we did the smaller monuments and such). we started off with a […]
brown v. board of education.

after our little stop in lincoln nebraska, we were headed to just outside kansas city, missouri next. the commute was only a few hours, so i stuffed in as much as i could on our travel day. so, after our morning at the quilt museum, the kiddos and i hit the road, with a plan […]
homestead national monument

after rocky mountain national park, we stayed a few days in denver, catching up on laundry, groceries, and visiting a few friends. and then we started the long trek back home. originally, we had planned to take our time getting home, with several longer stops through the midwest, but as covid picked up, especially in […]
fort laramie and the wyoming capitol.

whilst in torrington, we also made two wyoming based field trips. we were a little over an hour from cheyenne, so i figured we could kill a day by driving out to the capitol building. this was before i realized we would pass through cheyenne on our next travel day. oops. anyhow. we made the […]
nebraska national monuments.

after our lovely time in custer, south dakota, it was time to move on. we had a few days planned in torrington, wyoming, which was basically the halfway point between custer and our next big stop. to get there, we ended up driving down something like 25 miles of gravel road, mostly in nebraska. not […]
the mammoth site.

for my last big adventure with the kiddos whilst in custer, south dakota, i dragged them all out to the mammoth site. it was about 45 minutes away, in hot springs, and we knew it would only take a couple of hours at most, so we were able to have a lazy morning. which means […]
the black hills. custer state park.

when we booked our time in custer, south dakota, i knew it was close to wind cave, badlands, and mount rushmore, but i had only vaguely heard of the black hills. despite its gloomy sounding name, it turns out, the black hills are completely amazing. we got a little taste of them on our drive […]
mount rushmore, and the chronicles of carving heads in rocks.

after devils tower, we had eight days booked in custer, south dakota, which is sort of located in the middle of a lot of things we wanted to hit. one such thing was mount rushmore. when we were on the road, this was always on isaac’s bucket list. i have no idea why. but when […]
charleston. day three.mcleod plantation, angel tree, tea.

for our final full day in charleston, we headed to james island, where we took a tour of the mcleod plantation. derek had done a lot of research, and of the remaining plantations in charleston, mcleod is the only one that really focuses on the lives of the slaves and their descendants during their time […]