just got back from spending a week in banner elk, nc. it was lazy. and restful. and fun. here are the pics on picasa. click on any of them to go see all 89 pictures. blue ridge village
perler beads
while preparing for a family getaway to the nc mountains, i decided that we needed some crafts for the boy, since it will be pretty chilly and we probably won’t get out as much as we normally do when we come in the summer. i brainstormed for a bit, before deciding on perler beads. i […]
luigi and a dragon
this year, we went all out and trick or treated twice. on sunday night, we went to old salem. mistake. there were approximately 650,000 other trick-or-treaters and it was slow going. our kids didn’t hang in there for very long. but, they were cute and we got the best pics there, because it was still […]
apple pie
Isaac and I knocked off an item from our autumn bucket list today… The making of an apple pie. Apple peeler helper: The finished pie (complete with leaf embellishments):
Autumn cookies
Ike and I made these cookies for a fun little autumn project. I handled most of the icing, but he selected the colors. His cookie cutter skills have vastly improved since last Christmas. His eating-raw-dough skills have always been sharp.
patterson farms, volume 3.
on saturday, we made our annual(ish) trek to patterson farms for some fun pumpkin-y, autumn-y, outdoors-y activities. i posted about 100 picture in picasa. here’s five. click on any to be taken away to my picasa site… patterson farms and if you’re interested, last year’s pics are here. and our first trip is here.
matching robot shirts
my friend bridgette made these super cute shirts for my lid kids. i’m very excited.
a few weeks ago, i scored these two chairs for $5 each at a childrens consignment sale. i took isaac to lowes to pick out paint colors. he decided on lime green for his and blue for anna. (with a bit of guidance from me). then, i got to work. between coats. in their final […]
dixie classic fair time.
on wednesday, we joined up with derek’s family and headed to the dixie classic fair. here’s how it went down… loaded into the stroller and ready to make the journey to the gate… isaac was a bit unsure about the rides at first, but i finally convinced him to ride the motorcycles wiht his cousins. […]