a. we haven’t been to batavia since march. b. ike had a 3 day week sandwiched between a 4-day weekend and a 3-day weekend. c. ny autumn is 216% more awesome than nc autumn. so, we (me. kids.) went to ny. normally, i post a little while on the trip, so i don’t get overwhelmed […]
new gramma
a feeble attempt to cover the last few weeks.
when i went to post the back to school post, i realized it’s been quite a long time since my last post. then, i started a miscellaneous post and realized that i hadn’t posted pics of the coop or discussed the tragic details of the lucy-chicken incident. so, those events aside, i am now posting […]
strong museum. and strong hospital.
during most extended batavia trips, we always make an attempt to get to the strong museum of play. this time was no exception. this time, we are members of the winston-salem childrens museum, so we got in for free. and since we were practically next door, we headed over to the hospital to see uncle […]
another family visit in the books.
my mom, stepdad and brother came down for a visit this weekend. they rolled in at 330 am on saturday morning. spent three whirlwind days here. and just packed up and headed out a few minutes ago. isaac is bummed. anna is still sleeping and i’m not sure how she’ll respond. lucy (world’s dumbest dog) […]
christmas tree assembly.
my mom and grunkle frankles were here for thanksgiving and black friday. while we kept it pretty low key on the biggest shopping day of the year, we still went out to pick out a tree, all the way to downtown lewisville. woo. anyhow, we did a little time lapse video. [youtube_sc url=yLoRfNr60Cs width=560]
batavia trip randomness
here are some random shots of our last few days in ny. shucking corn. eating raw corn. post swim boat ride. we went to “friday night in the square”… the square being jackson square (which i never knew existed – how is that possible?). the event was live music. the night’s theme: italian and latin!! […]
batavia ny. tuesday.
i’m trying to cram this post in quickly before i head to bed. after a restless night of being eaten alive by mosquitos, i awakened, fed the lidkids breakfast and we headed off to austin park, once home to the dirtiest, diseasiest wading pool in america. or maybe batavia. and i can proudly say, i […]
mini water park.
while in ny recently (which i haven’t posted about or even mentioned), new gramma bought theannababy a first birthday present. the problem is… anna has all of ike’s old toys, plus some of her own, plus limited access to all of isaac’s current toys (which is what she enjoys the most)… so what do you […]