Here’s some photos from our brisk NY afternoon walk yesterday:And a picture of the boy, chillin’ with Terry:
We’re here in New York and it is chilly! Isaac slept for nearly the entire ride, so we drove through the night. It saved us on a hotel stay and scored us some extra time with the WNY family. We also made the decision because you never know what a night in a strange place […]
In Seven Hours…
…we’ll begin our journey northward to Batavia, New York. We’re going to see how far we can get this evening and then finish in the am. If the boy sleeps for the trip and we’re feeling energetic, it’s possible we’ll drive all night like Cyndi Lauper. We’re staying until Tuesday when we’ll make the drive […]
Florida Pictures
Isaac liked to sit in Patty’s (my Gram’s dog) basket to watch tv:Chillin’ with Gramps:Playing with my Dad:Gramps and Grams at dinner:
Sunshine State and Snot Filled Noses
We’re back! Isaac and I rolled in safely around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Following our the details of our trip: On Saturday, we packed up all the supplies and hung out with Derek, who would soon be family-less for 3 days. Our first flight was short and Isaac slept for most of it (with the help […]
Leavin’…. On a Jet Plane
…except I do know when I’ll be back again. Isaac and I are making the long journey to Florida tomorrow. We leave from Greensboro around 2:30ish, layover in Charlotte and then arrive in Tampa around 6:30ish. We come back on Tuesday. I’m not really sure how I think flying on a plane will go. Everything […]
Last night, we made a spontaneous decision to head home early. We had hit most of the things we wanted to and were out of ideas, so we figured we could save money and some vacation days for Derek by heading back early. You can see all of our pictures here or you can watch […]
Vacation Slideshow
So, Derek has been diligently posting pictures of our trip to the picasa site.Since our connection to the is sooooo slow, rather than duplicate his work, I figured I would just tap into what he had already accomplished. Here is a slideshow of pictures from our trip. It will update whenever Derek adds new […]
Vacation Updates
So, we’re in Banner Elk.It’s been fun, thus far. Yesterday, we headed to Boone and hung out there for a little while. The boy rode around in the backpack like a trooper. We went swimming here in the afternoon, then headed out for dinner. Today, we almost went to Grandfather Mountain but decided not to […]
NY Slideshow
Since I’m way behind on picture updating, here’s a slideshow of pics from NY on Picasa.