turns out. march was busy. or at least that’s what my photographic evidence of march is telling me. aside from the items i will detail in this post, there was a cake, a big school project, a home improvement project, and a weekend bucket list getaway.
now here’s the other stuff that happened. (this is a long one).
there was a spirit week at anna’s school. she goes all in. and they had a class field trip. to carowinds. an amusement park. one of many field trips. in seventh grade. ummmm. my 8th grade HUGE end of middle school class trip was to darien lake amusement park. on a not school day. what. the. heck.

i have been wanting to check out this bakery that i have been following on instagram for awhile. it’s in pilot mountain, so it’s like 25 minutes away and not in a “next time im on that side of town i’ll pop in” 25 minutes away. so, one saturday, anna and i took a drive up to pick up a box of cupcakes to enjoy on our “treat day”. they did not disappoint. (neither did the giant macaron we bought and ate on the spot).

hazel also had spirit week. of course for “team spirit” day, she went with some bills gear, but in a surprising twist, opted for diggs instead of josh allen. later, i saw on the school’s instagram page that another kid was rocking an allen jersey, so basically hazel is betrothed.

meatball sous chef hazel (she’s the best helper and my favorite). and some selfies.

some signs have been placed around the house, for anyone interested in crafty hazel’s wares. and this hilarious card came home in hazel’s backpack. the written note is sweet. the hallmark sentiments… um.

and lastly in hazel news, i made another lunch date visit. they get to choose a friend to sit at a special table. she usually picks this kiddo.

um. isaac finished drivers ed and is now a legally permitted driver. so. there’s that. also. the in car part of drivers ed was at 6 am for three days, when it was still dark, which sort of seems like a bad idea. godspeed to that instructor.

in other isaac adjacent news, it was his friend carlos’s birthday, so we offered to host a little birthday gathering for him. anna made a peanut butter cookie cake, and i decorated it. a few friends came over for a full day pizza and gaming. and i think carlos had a great time.

with my sewing room makeover (almost) complete, i’ve been sewing a LOT more. i’ve already mentioned that i don’t have any finished projects to prove it, and i still don’t, but i promise to post an update soon. hazel helped document said sewing proof. and of course a selfie was also in order.

in personal health and fitness related news, i picked up a FANTASTIC book by dr. peter attia. i’ve already been trying to implement a lot of the things to finally reclaim my health, but this book has really driven home the importance and gives a lot of practical advice. that said, i’ve been walking a lot more. outside. almost daily. at least three miles. (mostly at CG hill park, if anyone local cares to join me). i’ve also gotten into a pretty good lifting routine at this point. our home gym is perfect for days that i have to work or when i find myself contaminated with covid. also, ruby likes to supervise when i lift at home. ok. enough about that.

the home improvement train keeps on rolling. when we attempted to have popcorn ceilings removed while we were on a road trip two summers ago, the crappy guy we hired informed us that he couldn’t do the living room, kitchen, or foyer. you know. the main areas of our house. also, coincidentally, the vaulted ceiling areas. anyways. we hired a way more awesomer guy who has been doing lots of other work on the house and his team came in and knocked out the living room, and also painted the walls and window trim. and it looks so lovely.

i have been doing a bit of babysitting lately. every other week, i watch my friend victoria’s four kiddos for a few hours at her house. at the end of the last stint, they needed me to keep watching the baby for a bit longer, so i loaded him up to come back to my house. my kids helped out trying to keep him entertained, since our house was completely turned upside down at the moment for popcorn ceiling removal. even isaac had fun with the little guy.

spring break started on friday, march 31. we had big plans to leave for an airbnb the next day. i was scrambling to pack and prepare. so of course, anna and hazel decided this day off would be the perfect time to start a craft marathon.

and now. in extra random news. two unrelated photos. in the first, a pile of vintage fabric i scored at the quilt shop. one of our customers was helping to clear out a friend’s home and brought in boxes upon boxes of fabric to be donated. before it was all snagged by one particularly large quilt ministry, i was able to pick out a few fun bits. and in the second pic. well, that there is the start of a birds nest. on a shelf. on our back deck. it’s a carolina wren to be exact. we will see what happens….

lastly, the obligatory monthly ruby collage time.

phew! that was a lot. if you made it. congratulations and thank you.