september was a really hard month. we had a close friend who lost their son to suicide. it is the single worst thing i have ever watched someone have to go through. it has cast a sadness over everything. before all of this, anna and i had ourselves a perfect saturday. first, we hit up […]
lid kid everyday life
august mayhem.
well. our epic summer road trip had to come to a close eventually, and we rolled back up to the stupid new house in early/mid-august. we had originally planned to spend a bit more time on the road, but as covid cases began to turn the midwest red, we scooted through that area a little […]
what i remember about may (2021).
whelp. i find myself in a familiar predicament. i’m so far behind on my blog (it’s september 20th as i type this), that i’m overwhelmed with the prospect of catching up. we packed so much in this summer, it’s going to be hard to remember details, but i will do my best. but, before summer, […]
anna = eleven.
Despite my best efforts, it appears my kids are growing up before my eyes. Most recently, the Annababy, who is clearly and unequivocally no longer a baby, has turned eleven. ELEVEN. it makes no sense. She is a fantastic kid. She is an avid reader and aspiring artist. She is a motivated homeschooler and is […]
april generic stuff. 2021.
April was pretty great. The weather is lovely. We had a normal Easter. We took our first RV trip of 2021. I made a fun new epic pillow. And I went camping all by myself. Here’s what happened in the in between moments. Let’s see. Firstly, Derek has surprised me with a few fabric bundles. […]
easter-ish, including a family gathering, indoors!
And now, for this year’s Easter festivities and shenanigans. First off. Anna and I signed up for a natural dyeing workshop at the Village Fabric Shop. We had debated doing our own natural dyeing, but it seemed rather labor intensive, so when this opportunity presented itself, we gladly forked over the cash for the chance […]
march miscellany. 2021 edition.
In like a lion, out like a lamb. Or at least that’s the saying in Western New York. Pertaining to the weather. Well, it works here for me too. I started out March in a really bad place about teaching. And then, I quit. I gave my notice on March 3rd, spent the next two […]
febz 2021.
Other than a visit from my mom at the end of the month, February was rather uneventful around the parts. Teaching was slowly murdering me. It was cold and blah. We were still all living under quarantine. Good times, really. Let’s see. There was a Buffalo Bills-less Super Bowl. We watched. Ate wings. Ho hum. […]
the leftovers of January ’21.
Well. If you’ve followed along, you’ll know that January was a bananas month in our little fam. My return to teaching didn’t leave much time for anything else. Aside from a weekend hike and Isaac’s birthday, my month was mostly a whirlwind of lesson planning, mental breakdowns, sitting in front of a screen for 15 […]
the boy is fourteen.
On January 24th, the boy had himself yet another birthday. How it’s been 14 years since he hit the scene, I cannot comprehend. As per my usual, I attempted to take a photo for instagram, to commemmorate the occasion with lovely sentiments. And as per the Lidkid usual, he made that difficult. But, I can […]