our second week at letchworth was a little more low-key than the first. after all of the weekend campers cleared out, we took over the bathroom to get this grubby kid all cleaned up. since the showers only blast scalding hot water, we opted for the sink. we went to warsaw, to laurie’s diner or […]
the rambling road show
hidden valley animal adventure

yesterday (saturday), we decided to have a family outing. after lunch, we left the friendly confines of letchworth state park and made our way to varysburg, ny to the hidden valley animal adventure. it’s a lot like a place in nc that i have been to a few times (lazy 5 ranch). first up. giant […]
letchworth state park. part 1.

so, on memorial day, we packed up and left my mom’s and headed to letchworth state park. it’s only about 35 minutes or so from batavia, so it was a pleasant commute. we’ve been pretty busy exploring so far, and i have been forced to take an excessive amount of picture due to the majestic […]
buffalo science museum plus friends.

earlier this week, we put our science museum passport to work again, this time hitting up the buffalo museum of science. stuffy the stuffed bison. rocket launching. giant galapagos turtle. photo opp. archeological dig. sarcophagus. body “factory”. isaac, practicing his construction skills. yellow jacket hive. bug works sign. spelled out with dead bugs. water current/erosion. […]
batavia. random. to date.

we have been in batavia for about a week and a half. it’s mostly been very chill. we will stay through the weekend and then on memorial day, we will pack up and head over to letchworth state park for two weeks. i’m looking forward to it. but, here’s what’s been happening in batavia for […]
may 17th.

well. we are in batavia now. and i’ll post a generic post about that soon. but first. allow me to post about may 17th. it began, with a little drive to medina, to visit a toy train museum. which is apparently owned by the one and only “fireman marty”, a local fireman, who used to […]
west virginia. mountain mama.

the first leg of the official official lidbom rambling road show was to a little spot in west virginia, about ten minutes north of charleston. we arrived late at night and had to navigate some super windy, dark, narrow country roads. but we survived. this was what we were dealing with, only in daylight. and […]
our first weeks of homelessness.

after our yard sale, we spent a couple of days getting the rest of the stuff cleared out of the house (which mostly consisted of paying our painters some extra cash to get stuff out of the house). and the following monday, we left for a local thousand trails campsite. here is the official “we […]
and we’re off!! (sort of)

firstly, sorry for the lack of blogging since we returned from our trial run. our lives have been completely crazytown!! more on that later. the big news is: we are officially moved into the camper and out of our house and sort of on the road. we are in a thousand trails campsite nearby, while […]
fort clinch state park

our last week of camping was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. (i’ve already mentioned this, i know, i know). but on one beautiful (albeit windy) day, we drove back into florida to amelia island to visit yet another historic fort a state park. 🙂 this time, it was fort clinch, and it was […]