for. my work pal kathy’s birthday, i made a rainbow-y paper pieced old timey sewing machine mini quilt. it turned out way better than i expected and i think she loved it. and now i’m reminded that i need to start thinking about her birthday again… the pattern is by quiet play designs. i quilted […]
kicking off 2024 with a bills cake.

hopes for the bills were sky high when we rolled into 2024. they had just won 5 straight to overcome a 6-6 record to finish the season 11-6 and win the afc east. so, obviously, when my fellow western ny ex-patriot friend requested a bills cake for her husband, it made perfect sense and i […]
december hap-hap-happenings.

now here is the part where i try to remember all the little moments from last december. the day to day stuff. when it wasn’t actual christmas or hazel’s birthday or cookie baking mayhem. let’s seeeeee. i always love the first few mornings after the tree is up and i have my coffee in the […]
christmassy. twenty twenty three.

we waited until christmas eve to do gingerbread houses in 2023. not sure why. i assume time just got away from me. but it made for a lovely christmas eve activity. messy. sugary. but lovely. i premade the houses with graham crackers, added a sugar cone tree, bought a million decor items, and we got […]
christmas cookie extravaganza of 2023

once again, i/we WAAAY overdid it with baking for christmas. i say it every year, but NEXT year, i will tone it down a bit. (and i can confirm that last years declaration went unheeded and i went off the rails again this year. but NEXT YEAR….) last year though. 2023. i had helpers. eager […]
a decade of crazelnut

another december brought another birthday for our hazelnut. ten this time. a full decade of the crazel. so, smack in the middle of all the holiday feasting, we crammed in a bunch of birthday celebrations. the first such occurrence was lunch with her class. she requested chick fil a nuggets, and was very disappointed when […]
december sewing.

every christmas, the sewing comes to a screeching halt and my quilt room turns into santa’s workshop. but, i managed to squeeze in a couple of quick projects before that happened in 2023. (remember, if you will, i’m typing this up over a year later). firstly, i whipped up a cool ruby star scrappy saw […]
a whole lot of november things.

in order to keep this post manageable, i had to write a lot of separate smaller posts about november happenings, but it’s still a big one. and even though as i write it, it’s only 12 days into december, all of these memories feel like they were months and months ago. so much stuff crammed […]
thanksgiving in nc this year.

we have not celebrated thanksgiving in north carolina for quite a few years. first, it was because we had the freedom to do whatever when i homeschooled. then there was a sad lonely idiotic covid year. then, the next year, the kids had a super long break from school so we went to ny. and […]
47th birthday chronicles.

i normally wouldn’t have an entire post dedicated to a random birthday, but i did some cool stuff, ate some good food, hung out with fun friends, and well, i didn’t want my november post to have 60 photos, so here we are. first of all. two days before my birthday, six weeks after my […]