suddenly, it was the end of hazel’s first year in public school. she had a lovely experience in mrs. brubaker’s third grade class. and it just so happened that her class mascot was a bison (mrs. brubaker is a national park enthusiast). so, it seemed like a good opportunity to make a cool geometric bison […]
forays into sample sewing.

at my little part time job at my local quilt shop there’s an occasional need/opportunity for quilts to be made to display in the shop. i took them up on a couple such opportunities, and here’s the details. the first quilt was a christmas/winter block sampler type quilt, to be made from a kit that […]
good old stone mountain.

in an effort to prepare for some summer hiking excursions, derek and i rustled up the willing lidkids for a saturday hike at stone mountain. we took the route that begins with a steep climb, which resulted in a lot of grumbling and breaks. eventually, we were at the top, where we took a nice […]
may of twenty twenty three.

may has come and gone, so here’s the monthly update of happenings in lidkid land that don’t require a full blog post. here we go. (warning. this one is all over the place and weird and maybe boring). first of all. derek has continued to work on our deck, when the weather and his time […]
annababy cookie cakes takes off

about a year ago, anna started making and selling cookie cakes. she maybe made one or two a month, for close friends and family. but, about a month ago, word got out at school, and the orders began rolling in and she has been baking and decorating like crazy. i am surprised that so many […]
hazel’s first field day.

the crazelnut has had a pretty great first year at vienna elementary. we had always heard fantastic things about the school and it definitely lived up to the reputation. as the year was winding down, folks started talking up the big field day, aka: the pfafftown olympics. having been to a few field days back […]
cakes to celebrate marriages. old and new.

i don’t know what i was thinking, but when an old friend from my teaching days reached out to see if i would be interested in making a wedding cake for her daughter, i agreed to take on the challenge. it didn’t seem too complicated and they are super laid back, so it didn’t seem […]
hanging rock with ruby dooby.

one spring day, the stars perfectly aligned, and my day off from all responsibilities coincided with a day of beautiful weather, and i really had no choice but to oad up the world’s best dog and ride up to hanging rock to hit the trail. we opted for the moore’s knob loop, taking the counterclockwise […]
national park quilt number one.arches for isaac.

a few weeks (or more) ago, i finished up this wall hanging for isaac. i am sure i told the background story in a previous blog post, but the short version is: when we first came off the road, derek bought me a zillion national park panels and coordinating fabrics. i wasn’t sure how to […]
the annababy is an anna-teen.

well. i have two teenagers now. it feels impossible. it seems like it was just a few years ago that my days were filled with babies and toddlers, bottles and tiny chopped up food, diapers and pacifiers, stackable blocks and plastic light up toys. but alas. here we are. anna is thirteen. i’ve already posted […]